
Showing posts from 2008

Merry Christmas.!

Merry Christmas! Its Christmas tomorrow and sadly I'm not going to celebrate it in the Philippines again. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It is the season of giving and of course who wouldn't want to receive gifts?  But this year it's going to be different. I'm not going to focus on myself but instead I'm thinking of everybody else. I have been receiving gifts all year round and I think that's already enough for me to have a wonderful Christmas this year. I believe the greatest gift I can give to the world is to share Jesus' love for everybody. I wanted to make a difference and I believe that by sharing Jesus Christ I will have it. The greatest gift a person can ever receive is salvation. I already received it several years ago and still getting its benefits until today. If you haven't received it yet I hope that you will finally accept it today. Jesus is offering you his love everyday and I hope today you will be able to accept it. Aft...

heypi berThdaY.!!

It's December 07 today and this year it is super special. I know that my dad celebrates his birthday every year and it is just the same this year and how come this year it is super special than the last years… As some of you may already know, my father has been discovered with some complications regarding his health. I never told him my reaction regarding this matter. Actually I'm not comfortable talking about his condition. I'm just not used to him being sick and all. My father is living a very healthy life. He has discipline with what he is eating, he doesn't have any vices. He quitted smoking several years ago, he does drink but occasionally. I never had the thought that he will be this sick. When my mother told us his condition, I think that broke my heart. I always bear in mind that God is the one responsible for everything that is happening to us. At first I didn’t understand what GOD wants and why did he let this happen. When I was about to question him, it ca...

..cHarGers.. lolX..

i'Ve gOt nOthiNg tO dO sO i thougHt i'LL jusT wriTe a new poSt.. WARNING:: yOu migHt find this posT bOring and nOnsenSe buT i doNt finD iT totaLLy nOnsenSe hehehe.. if yOu're interesTed coNtiNue readiNg.! I think everyone who is interested to read this knows that ever since I wanted to be a doctor. I never got confused about that, because I’ve always wanted to be one. Recently we had the mock test for our college entrance exam and unfortunately I got a low score. During that time I really doubted if I still want to pursue my life long dream, to be a doctor. I am thinking that I may not be qualified to be one since I can’t even pass my mock test so how much more in the college entrance test? During that day I’m really thinking whether I still want to be a doctor or not. I’ve got really frustrated. I have a lot of going through with my life today and I don’t think I can handle more. I really can’t afford any additional problems anymore. The next day, I went home alone...

yOu maKe me lOve yOu.!~7 thinGs~

I probably shouldn't say this But at times I get so scared When I think about the previous Relationship we shared It was awesome but we lost it It's not possible for me, not to care And now we're standing in the rain But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear The 7 things I hate about you The 7 things I hate about you, oh you You're vain, your games, you're insecure You love me, you like her You make me laugh, you make me cry I don't know which side to buy Your friends, they're jerks When you act like them, just know it hurts I wanna be with the one I know And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do You make me love you It's awkward and it's silent As I wait for you to say What I need to hear now Your sincere apology When you mean it, I'll believe it If you text it, I'll delete it Let's be clear Oh I'm not coming back You're taking 7 steps here The 7 things I hate about you You're vain, your games, you'r...

aPpeaL lng..

1.lalaking umiiyak? > bKa badiNg.! LOlx.. hehehe . 2. lalaking seloso? > maY nigagawaNg masaMa uN.! wahahah saU alang isinisisi unG kasalanaN.. :)) . 3. lalaking mahilig sa sex bomb girls? > kOrnii.! wahaha . 4. lalaking nde marunong mag luto? > nDe marunOng sa buHay.! . 5. lalaking pala tanong? > lalakiNg gustO kanG kilalaniN.. . 6. lalaking mama's boy? > lalakinG iyakiN.. wahahaha . 7. lalaking puro pangako? > lalakiNg cnungaLing.. lalaki pa paG gumagawa ng mga pangakO.. naku naku.! . 8. lalaking mayabang? > lalakinG mahangiN.. purO hangiN.. wala ng ibang merOn kundi hangiN.. kea malamang bka pakainin ka ng hangin nun.! wahahahaha . 9. lalaking sinungaling? > lalakiNg purO pangakO.! wahahahaha ang kuLiT.! . 10. lalaking masalita? > lalakiNg madaLdaL.. purO daLdaL.. wahaahaha kea malamang din kainin mO ung daldal.. wahhaha . 11. lalaking makulit? > eH di lalakinG nakakainis.! . 12. lalaking gwapo? > eH di babaer...


 sinCe i wroTe a bLog aboUt how i got the name "i'LL be sTiLL" i thiNK iTs faiR enougH thaT i wiLL sharE tO yOu whY iT is twiNkLe.! hehe aHmm i goT that namE lasT lasT vacatiON.. it was wHen i aTtended the vBs*vacatiOn bibLe schOoL* ... we had an activity and it is like we are given a bibLe verse and we're goinG to turn iT tO a song.. hehehehe.. whenever i remember that soNG i can't help but laugh.. the verse was Luke 2:52 "and JESUS increased in wisdom and in stature with GOD and man" the other two groups turned it into rap and a song but with my group i suggested to tune it after the twinkLe twinkLe littLe stAr... it was quite embrassing because i used a nursery rhyme which is not appropriate for our age.. after that everyoNe started to call me twinkle.~speciaLLy aTe aLviE.!~ at firsT i was really shy about it.. coz it appears to me that i have done such an embarrassing act and everybody is putting that on my face everytime they call me twinkLe.. but a...

fUtuRe leaDer's diLLema..

Most of the population today is composed of the youth. Everywhere you go you will surely see a teenager. Sadly, greater number of drug users and pushers, smokers and alcohol drinkers are teenagers. We all know that we already have a bad society today and everyone of us is hoping for a better future. The way I see it we will not see a better future, specially now that our future leaders are also part of the problem. The world sees the teenagers as a problem, since in a way they are a cause of overpopulation through pre marital sex which is very rampant nowadays. But, can the world really blame the youth? Every teenager has their own life stories and problems thus everyone has their own reason why they are their selves. Most of the time it all ends up to one conclusion, that is because of the environment they grew in. Teenagers who are involved in drugs whether they are the selling it or using it, normally the reason behind it is their parents are also into drugs. The...

oNe of tHe besT

You may call her a teacher, lecturer or even instructor but I myself call her my inspiration. She is Ms. Mary Jane P. Buted, my most memorable teacher. She is quite tall, slim and white-skinned. She has short and curly hairs, she also wears eye glasses. She is just a normal teacher by the way she looks but she is actually a very extraordinary teacher. She teaches her lessons with poise and mastery. She always makes sure that we, her students, will learn. She is a teacher and a friend. We can talk to her just about anything. Her advices are really striking because it seems like she knows the exact feeling we have even though we are not telling her. She is also one of the reasons I wanted to become a doctor. She made science look easy so I thought being a doctor will be a good thing. I will never forget how she smiled when I took a picture of her. She even let me wait for a while to let her fix her hair and remove her glasses. I think I won't be able to forget her at all. She w...

reaLity is better thaN your dreaMs...

In life, as we face several problems we learn new things. Even if we can't see it very clearly we will just simply realize that we have learned something. As it goes, the problems that don't kill us make us stronger. I have been enduring life's trials for 15 years now. I may be young but I am not an exception to reality. I may not have encountered as many problems and learned as many lessons in life as those mature adults but I have definitely learned something I can use for the rest of my life. Through life's uncertainty, unpredictability and irregularity we end up with the words "what if", "I should have" or "if ever" in short we end up with regrets. In my age I have experienced a lot of regrets, then what more with those mature adults? They might have more regrets than I have today. The greatest regret we could ever have is when we didn't do things that are needed or we wanted to be done. Having regrets is really bad because wi...

sTars aS frieNds..

Friends are the ones who are always there when you need them. Everybody has friends even the poorest person has. Friends are like stars not always seen but actually always there. As there are different kinds of stars there are different kinds of friends. Stars don’t shine equally, some shine more and some less than the others but the good thing is they still shine. In this long journey we have we will learn a lot of different things; we will meet a lot of people. Some of those many people will be our friends. We get to meet different kinds of friends. Some will be like the shiniest star all of us have ever seen. They will have to be the real good friends we will ever have. They will help us in everything life is going to throw at us. Then, there will be these not so shiny stars; they will have to be your real good friends but only for a period of time. It is like they have an expiration date you will only have them for a while. Next is the less shiny star. They are the good wea...

sTiLL the saMe oNLy better

It was and still a special and memorable day. I will never forget the exact events that happened during that day. It was October 2006 when i attended a certain retreat in our church, the "encounter God retreat". Many people already did their testimonies about that certain retreat that after it you're life really will change. I know their testimonies are true for i really see their difference. I knew that a month after that our family will transfer here in Doha, i don’t want to have any regrets, and I joined. The retreat lasts for three days and i was down to the last day on the retreat. Still i haven't found or felt the change that they were talking about. The session ended i walked out of the church, wondering what would happen to me now. I never wanted to go out since i really felt different during the retreat. At that point i was feeling scared and lost. I believe it was God who put the song into my mind, the song that our pastor sings every night before we go t...

..everytHing yOu neeD...famiLy..

As humans, we have different needs. Actually several theories has been formed regarding the needs of human beings. As for me, we only need one thing and that is family. A family is a group of usually related people living together living as a unit. It is also a group of people sharing common ancestry. Family is the basic unit of the society. It is composed of a mother, father and a child or sometimes even children. It is also composed of grandparents and other more relatives. From the definition a family should be complete in order to be called one. That is not true. Actually you can be family even if you're not blood related. In a same way you can't be called family even if you're blood related if you don't treat each other like one. Being a family is all about how you treat each other. It doesn't need any requirements to be called one except to love and care for each member. A family gives warmth, support and compassion. They treat each other like best of f...

liVing oF the dEaD....

'Moving on is not about never looking back, it's taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you've grown since then.' Theoretically speaking: "Accepting and trying to move on." Sounds easy right? But, application of that theory simply means. "Die first and live again siNce i'M reaLLy dyiNg on my last blOg.. i may nOt be physicalLy dyiNg buT trusT me i thinK the feeLing is jusT the saMe.. sO i tHink you kNOw where my bLog is goinG to.. and i need nOt explain it anymOre.. hahaha buT i can'T heLp iT.. fOr tHOse peoPle hu gOt iT aLreaDy yOu can nOw exiT tHis pagE.. aNd fOr tHose peoPle hU didN't get it yeT coNtinUe reaDing...or if you want yoU caN aLso gO.! hehehe  sO as the quote gOes.. die firsT and liVe again.. that's the onLy waY to move oN.. anD sOo.. i'M nOw reaDy.. siNCe i diEd alreaDy.. i caN nOw liVe again.. *ahMm aCtuaLly that's aLl.. wahahahaha nOnsense.. so nOw yOu're actuaLLy regrettiNg why yOu rea...

if onLy i kNew

i dont knOw why i'm writing a bLog right nOw.. i didn't even think that i can write a blog.. actually i dont think i can do anything at this point of time.. all i want to do is to disappeaR and wisHed i haD never exisTed.. you mighT saY that my sOrrOw is tO exaGerated buT that is reaLLy trUe.. the reasoN behind iT.. broKen hearT.. faiLed expectatiOns, regreTs.. aNd sO mucH mOre.. brokeN hearT.. weeKs agO.. i decided tO end somethiNg i didn'T think will have a greaT effect on me toDay.. yuP i knOw that this coulD be oNe of my greaTest regreT.. i'M feeLing sO dOwn todaY.. i dOnT tHinK i have tHe strengtH tO coNtinUe.. i woulD never trY tO deNy that he used to be my life and if he ever lefT me i wouLd die.. buT i never thOugHt that he is sTiLL gOing tO be mY liFe aNd todaY i just feeL like dyiNg.. i wisHed i jusT chOse tO beaR aLL tthe pain aNd coNtinUe everytHing witH hiM.. aT firsT reaLLY i waS tHinKing that tHis is nOtHiNg.. becaUse i didn'T feLt the feeliNg i haD w...

cOz i was sPeciaL...

He Wasn't There's not much going on today. I'm really bored, it's getting late. What happened to my Saturday? Monday's coming, the day I hate. Sit on the bed alone, staring at the phone. He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no. He wouldn't even open up the door. He never made me feel like I was special. He isn't really what I'm looking for. This is when I start to bite my nails. And clean my room when all else fails. I think it's time for me to bail. This point of view is getting stale. Sit on the bed alone, staring at the phone. He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no. He wouldn't even open up the door. He never made me feel like I was special. He isn't really what I'm looking for. we've all got choices. we've all got voices. stand up make some noise. Sit on the bed alone, staring at the phone. He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no. He wouldn't even open up the door. He never made me feel like I was ...

fOr mY biGgesT rOck.!

aHmmm.. mY lasT blog was sUper dedicaTed fOr mY mOm sinCe iTs hEr birtHday.. and tOday i'M gOnna write anOther one.. and tHis tiMe iTs suPer dedicated fOr mY daD.!!!! sinCe iTs father's daY.!!! *haPpY father's daY tO aLL tHe dadS oUt tHere.!!!* last bLog, i wrOte a pOem.. buT i'M nOt taLented enOugH tO write anOther oNe *hehehe.. maYbe nxT yeaR.. i'LL wriTe yOu a pOem.! aHakz* sO.. i'M gOnna share yOu a sOng..! daD.! aHmm.. tHanks fOr aLL tHe sUppOrT.. fOr aLl the lOve tHat yOu have giVen aLL these yeaRs.!!! and tHougH sOmeTimEs.. i fOrgeT tO shOw yOu how haPpY anD bLessEd i aM tO have yOu as my faTher.. i hOpe tHat in tHis bLog.. yOu sEe hOw mucH i love yOu.!! hehehe.. *sorrY iF soMetiMEs i disResPecT yOu wiTh hOw i taLk wiTh yOu buT i guEss its jusT likE thAt.! hehe.. i tend yo fOrgEt at times that yOu are mY father.. i regard yoU as one oF my friEnds.. buT i didn'T meaN iT liKe tHat.. i resPecT aNd lOve you as mucH as yOu knOw.!!! i jusT knOw that li...

fOr mY biGgesT sCaR...

 weLl tHis bLog is sUper dedicatEd tO my mOm.! sinCe iTs hEr birtHday tOday.. *happY birThday ma.!* aHmm warning.. tHis bLog is dRamatic..i meaN reaLly reaLLy dramatic.! hehe tHis pasT few days my mOm anD i haD sOme trOubLe... aNd i wanT tO say sOrrY agaiN.. i Never had thE cHance tO say sOrrY tO her sO i wanT tO say sOrry tO her nOw.. sOrrY.. iTs aLL havE beEn saiD aNd dOne.. i caN never briNg bacK tHe tiMe and re dO aLl tHe tHinGs tHat had hapPened.. ma.. yOu'LL aLways bE my mOther wHatever hapPens.. i migHt geT mad tO yOu again bUt tHe facT remains tHat yOu're sTiLL my mOther.. i'LL aLwaYs resPect aNd lOve yOu.! Btw.. i maDe a pOem.. *take nOte iTs my firsT pOem ever!* and iTs fOr yOu.! i lOve yOu ma.! happy 46th b-daY.!!!!  My biggEsT scaR.. My mOm.. i dont know wHat to say or write i'm nOt even sUre if tHis is righT aLl i knOw is i nEed tHis too tO exPress aLl my feELinGs abOut yOu yOu heLped me thRouGh my ups and dOwn yOu aLways make suRe i get bac...

sLow anD painfuL deaTh...

yesterday while i was browsing channels on the tv, i got into this drama series.. i don't know why i didn't change the channeL.. buT there was thiS scEnE that striked me.. there was this little kid knocking the door of her mom. *i think the mom there has a cancer since she showed her hair falling and her face is so pale so like other dramas i think she have a cancer.* and her mother didn't speak she just got out..and then she asked her child if she was crying then.. the child answered.. its ok if you lock your door.. its better if you don't want me in....  but just answer me if i call you.. if i call you, you must answer me.. i get scared if you don't... hehe.. that scene left  me teary-eyed.. before if you will ask me wHat kind oF death I would  rather have.. would it be like that one me having a terrible disease and like waiting for me to die.. or the one like being shut by a bullet or something like being hit by a car.. years ago i had already chosen which type ...

oF cOuRse i dO.! *weLL i did..*

"I want you to love me, but I dont think you will." I wander around as I repeat this to myself It's the only answer I have, even if I'm scared of getting hurt. I'll say "I love you" to the one I love Do you love me or not? I don't care what the answer is, I just need to know! No matter how badly I desire to be with you There are many unchangeable things in this world and my love for you can't be stopped by anyone As 1000 nights pass, I long to tell you I have to let you know "I want you to love me, but I don't think you will." I wander around as I repeat this to myself It's the only answer I have, even if I'm scared of getting hurt. I'll say "I love you" to the one I love Putting these feelings into words is so scary but I'll say "I love you" to the one I love The happiness we chance upon in our lives can't be expressed in words That's why we can only smile Why we...