..everytHing yOu neeD...famiLy..

As humans, we have different needs. Actually several theories has been formed regarding the needs of human beings. As for me, we only need one thing and that is family.

A family is a group of usually related people living together living as a unit. It is also a group of people sharing common ancestry. Family is the basic unit of the society. It is composed of a mother, father and a child or sometimes even children. It is also composed of grandparents and other more relatives.

From the definition a family should be complete in order to be called one.

That is not true. Actually you can be family even if you're not blood related. In a same way you can't be called family even if you're blood related if you don't treat each other like one. Being a family is all about how you treat each other. It doesn't need any requirements to be called one except to love and care for each member. A family gives warmth, support and compassion. They treat each other like best of friends. They care for each other and are willing to sacrifice anything in order to make one happy.

Anybody can be your family. Family accepts you as you. Everybody has and needs a family to have a good life. A family is the source of everything. If everybody in this world will treat each other like family, which is actually true, there will be no racism, discrimination and conflicts. We would have a good world, a world full of love.


  1. sigh, speaking of family, i miss a LOT of my families: including my blood ones. we live in the same house but our views on life, including faith of course, are most often than not, different from each other. as for my other families, i still haven't found time (and a proper schedule) to meet them all... and the budget of course haha.


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