
 sinCe i wroTe a bLog aboUt how i got the name "i'LL be sTiLL" i thiNK iTs faiR enougH thaT i wiLL sharE tO yOu whY iT is twiNkLe.! hehe aHmm i goT that namE lasT lasT vacatiON.. it was wHen i aTtended the vBs*vacatiOn bibLe schOoL* ... we had an activity and it is like we are given a bibLe verse and we're goinG to turn iT tO a song.. hehehehe.. whenever i remember that soNG i can't help but laugh.. the verse was Luke 2:52 "and JESUS increased in wisdom and in stature with GOD and man" the other two groups turned it into rap and a song but with my group i suggested to tune it after the twinkLe twinkLe littLe stAr... it was quite embrassing because i used a nursery rhyme which is not appropriate for our age.. after that everyoNe started to call me twinkle.~speciaLLy aTe aLviE.!~ at firsT i was really shy about it.. coz it appears to me that i have done such an embarrassing act and everybody is putting that on my face everytime they call me twinkLe.. but after several days it looked cute to me.. the name twinkle.. i began to like it.. and i thought its not bad at all.. and when somebody calls me twinkle it is making me smyL and remember everythinG thaT happenNed during that activity..

so nOw i'Ve beeN usiNg twinKLe in alMosT aLl mY proFiLes in diFferenT websiTes... unLike befOre wHen sOmeoNe caLLs mE twinKle i geT embaRasS buT nOw.. wHeN soMeoNe caLss mE twinkLe i can'T hELp buT smiLe.! :)) sO fOr anyOne whO wanT tO makE me smiLe.. try caLLinG mE twinkLe.! :P


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