liVing oF the dEaD....

'Moving on is not about never looking back, it's taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you've grown since then.'

Theoretically speaking:

"Accepting and trying to move on."

Sounds easy right?

But, application of that theory simply means.

"Die first and live again

siNce i'M reaLLy dyiNg on my last blOg.. i may nOt be physicalLy dyiNg buT trusT me i thinK the feeLing is jusT the saMe.. sO i tHink you kNOw where my bLog is goinG to.. and i need nOt explain it anymOre..

hahaha buT i can'T heLp iT.. fOr tHOse peoPle hu gOt iT aLreaDy yOu can nOw exiT tHis pagE.. aNd fOr tHose peoPle hU didN't get it yeT coNtinUe reaDing...or if you want yoU caN aLso gO.! hehehe 

sO as the quote gOes.. die firsT and liVe again.. that's the onLy waY to move oN.. anD sOo.. i'M nOw reaDy.. siNCe i diEd alreaDy.. i caN nOw liVe again.. *ahMm aCtuaLly that's aLl.. wahahahaha nOnsense..

so nOw yOu're actuaLLy regrettiNg why yOu reaD this bLog.. coz as you noTiced iTs nOnsEnse.. hahahaha iTs jUst mE sayiNg i'M doNe.! heheheh moViNg on!

tO maKe iT a liTtle wortH wHiLe here aRe soMe jOwkz and quOtes.!
You would know you truly miss someones if it's them you're looking for and thinking about, even when you're with a happy crowd.

"The only way you'll know how important something in your life is when it gets taken away from you by someone who can take good care of it better than you."

"ONE of the BIGgest FORMs of FLATTERY is KNOWing that JUST by BEing your NORMAL WONDERful SELF. you MAKE someone, fall in LOVE."

Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay with in the limits of what you already know.

"At one time in your life. The one you have loved the most will unexpectedly turn out to be the greatest stranger you have ever met."

Isang araw, napadaan ako sa dalawang lovers na sobrang sweet.

Napatinging yung guy sa'kin tapos yun!

Nauso na ang "break-up"...

A 50-year old lady is dying of cancer. She asks God to give her 25 years more.

God approves.

After her successful operation, she gets a facelift, lipo, tummytuck.

Paglabas niya ng hospital, nasagasaan siya!

She asks God, "Lord, bakit sabi niyo bibigyan niyo pa ko ng 25 years para mabuhay?"

God: Sorry girl, hindi kasi kita nakilala!

Isang malupit na paraan ng pag-amin ng nararamdaman:

Bago pa nila lagyan ng malisya ang pangkakaibigan natin, hayaan mong lagyan ko na na. ;-)

Adik! Wahaha!

Mga banat:

"You seem like a sweet person... Will you mind if I taste you to find out?"

Binata: Miss, NFA Rice ka ba?

Dalaga: Ha? Bakit?

Binata: Kaso willing ako pumila at maghintay. Matikman ka lang..

A boy texted his mom.

Dear ma,

Don't look for me. I'm now away.

I will live with Sara.

She's 27 and her baby is 9 months.

I know that I'm just 15, but I really love her.

Ma, I want you to know were ok.

I'm selling marijuana and shes selling her body in order for us to live.

We wish there's a cure for AIDS, so she will be fine.

By the way ma, she aborted are first baby.

She said we can always make another one.

I'm sorry, I was not able to personally say goodbye.


Ma, joke lang!

Andito ko sa kapit-bahay natin, nakikitext.

Bili mo na kasi ako ng cellphone!


  1. hahahaha LOL. yes i already got it the first time around but since i wanted to read all the way, well, i got nothing haha :) and that's right! see? you weren't such a kid back then, you knew the right stuff about movin on! :)


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