..cHarGers.. lolX..

i'Ve gOt nOthiNg tO dO sO i thougHt i'LL jusT wriTe a new poSt..

WARNING:: yOu migHt find this posT bOring and nOnsenSe buT i doNt finD iT totaLLy nOnsenSe hehehe.. if yOu're interesTed coNtiNue readiNg.!
I think everyone who is interested to read this knows that ever since I wanted to be a doctor. I never got confused about that, because I’ve always wanted to be one. Recently we had the mock test for our college entrance exam and unfortunately I got a low score. During that time I really doubted if I still want to pursue my life long dream, to be a doctor. I am thinking that I may not be qualified to be one since I can’t even pass my mock test so how much more in the college entrance test? During that day I’m really thinking whether I still want to be a doctor or not. I’ve got really frustrated. I have a lot of going through with my life today and I don’t think I can handle more. I really can’t afford any additional problems anymore.

The next day, I went home alone since my brother has something to do and he has to stay in our school. Then I was silently sitting in the back of the car until the driver talked, he asked me if I’m sleeping. I said no and then he told me “oh you’re thinking of the future, doctor Mariel” after he said those words I just laughed. When I got out of the car, I realized, yeah I can be a doctor, I will be a doctor, I want to be a doctor, and I need to be a doctor. What if I got low grades on the mock exam? Nothing will ever stop me from being a doctor since nothing reaLLy couLd.

The person I least expect would say those things to me did. I never imagined that I could get something from him. Sometimes, we are like gadgets where there would be times we need to be recharged. Good thing, god is so merciful that he gives us persons who will recharge us even when we least expect it.

aNd yeaH.! i'M gOinG to woRk haRd to make sure i'M goinG tO fuLfiLL my dreaMs.! anD after i became a doctOr i wouLd gO bacK tO hiM anD thank hiM fOr rechargiNg me during my lowbaT tiMes.! :) lolx.!

oOOppss... i jusT wanT tO teLL the sTory of anoTher cHarger.. :) todaY.. i am really tired because of the projects last night. i haven't goT enougH sLeeP and still i am noT goiNg hOme earLy becaUse oF a clUb meeTiNg.. tHen i met a friend.. i tolD hiM that i'M nOt yeT goinG hOme... then he toLd me whY?? tHen i jusT starEd him for like 3 secoNds or so because i'M thinking iF he's really seriOus he's askinG mE whY?? i meaN i thougHt he woUldn'T carE iF i gO hOme laTe theN i anSwered hiM.. becaUse i haVe a cLuB meeTinG.. tHen he smiLed and nodded. his face really showed he caRed.. i thiNk tHe reasoN he asKed mE wHy is because his expectiNg a reasoN vaLid enougH fOr me tO gO hOme laTe. i've beeN feeLiNg iNvicibLe fOr the last few daYs bUt beCauSe oF hiM i felT liKe i reaLLy exisTed.. sO he's mY charger fOr tHe day!! lolx.!


  1. i had teardrops viewing ur latest blog. i'm deeply touched by ur great love and faith for ur ailing dad. i'm with u in prayers. god bless u.

  2. oohh... i wish i could get chargers like that too :P LOL. and no, it wasn't boring btw :)


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