fOr mY biGgesT sCaR...

 weLl tHis bLog is sUper dedicatEd tO my mOm.! sinCe iTs hEr birtHday tOday.. *happY birThday ma.!* aHmm warning.. tHis bLog is dRamatic..i meaN reaLly reaLLy dramatic.! hehe

tHis pasT few days my mOm anD i haD sOme trOubLe... aNd i wanT tO say sOrrY agaiN.. i Never had thE cHance tO say sOrrY tO her sO i wanT tO say sOrry tO her nOw.. sOrrY.. iTs aLL havE beEn saiD aNd dOne.. i caN never briNg bacK tHe tiMe and re dO aLl tHe tHinGs tHat had hapPened..

ma.. yOu'LL aLways bE my mOther wHatever hapPens.. i migHt geT mad tO yOu again bUt tHe facT remains tHat yOu're sTiLL my mOther.. i'LL aLwaYs resPect aNd lOve yOu.!

Btw.. i maDe a pOem.. *take nOte iTs my firsT pOem ever!* and iTs fOr yOu.! i lOve yOu ma.! happy 46th b-daY.!!!! 

My biggEsT scaR.. My mOm..

i dont know wHat to say or write
i'm nOt even sUre if tHis is righT
aLl i knOw is i nEed tHis too
tO exPress aLl my feELinGs abOut yOu

yOu heLped me thRouGh my ups and dOwn
yOu aLways make suRe i get back on tracK
wHenever i faLL you maDe me nO scaRed aT aLL
cOz i knOw yOu'Ll heLp me geT uP eacH aNd eVery faLL

yOu're tHe loVe tHat rescUed me
yOu gave me eVeytHinG yOu havE sO i can livE
yOU eVen risKed your liFe jusT tO get me oUt
remember yOu caRriEd me fOr niNe moNths?

sOmeTimes i can'T heLp bUt geT yOu oFfenDed
i knOw i've saiD woRds tHat eveN me gOt upSeT
buT tHen aGain jusT tO leT yOu knOw
i didn't meaN to say tHose wOrds eiTher

thEre's tHis oNe tiMe wHen yOu brOke my hearT
aNd tHinking abOuT iT jusT makes me even saD
buT wOrds havE beeN said and tHings have beEn dOne
i can'T do anyThing abOut it and sO is everyOne

i knOw i dOn'T eVen have tHe right to wHine
becaUse i'm jusT a daugHter and yOu are the mOm
tHat's wHy i'm saying sOrry oNe more tiMe..
i wanT tO let yOu knOw tHat yOu will always be
my biggesT sCar, my mOm.... i love yOu sO mucH!


  1. nice yeye..ang ganda..promise..super..hapii birthday din po sa mom mo !!ilabyou !!mwua

  2. really nice poem :) full of figurative and literal signs of love :) your mom sure felt this :) nice representation mariel :)


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