reaLity is better thaN your dreaMs...

In life, as we face several problems we learn new things. Even if we can't see it very clearly we will just simply realize that we have learned something. As it goes, the problems that don't kill us make us stronger.

I have been enduring life's trials for 15 years now. I may be young but I am not an exception to reality. I may not have encountered as many problems and learned as many lessons in life as those mature adults but I have definitely learned something I can use for the rest of my life.

Through life's uncertainty, unpredictability and irregularity we end up with the words "what if", "I should have" or "if ever" in short we end up with regrets. In my age I have experienced a lot of regrets, then what more with those mature adults? They might have more regrets than I have today. The greatest regret we could ever have is when we didn't do things that are needed or we wanted to be done. Having regrets is really bad because with regrets you can't sleep peacefully at night, you can't eat right and you can't feel happy truthfully. Through that many regrets I had learned something very essential and that is to always follow your heart and leave everything to god's hands. But of course the famous line, God helps those who help themselves and besides never ask the Lord to guide your steps, if you're not even willing to move your feet.

Life will never provide us warranties and guarantees but it will always give us possibilities and opportunities and it will be up to us to turn them into success. In an early age I've learned to make every circumstance a blessing and I've learned that it will be up to us to have a regret-free life. Life is too short and too beautiful for regrets. Make the most of every opportunity. Weigh your choices before making a decision. If you made the wrong the one it is never late to start again. Eventually every thing will fall into place. It is just how you view things, if you see the world in a right perspective, there you will realize reality is better than your dreams...


  1. happy truthfully?
    Through that many regrets

    I wish you didn't shift your person or point of view in the last paragraph.

  2. faith without action is useless :)


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