fUtuRe leaDer's diLLema..

Most of the population today is composed of the youth. Everywhere you go you will surely see a teenager. Sadly, greater number of drug users and pushers, smokers and alcohol drinkers are teenagers. We all know that we already have a bad society today and everyone of us is hoping for a better future. The way I see it we will not see a better future, specially now that our future leaders are also part of the problem.

The world sees the teenagers as a problem, since in a way they are a cause of overpopulation through pre marital sex which is very rampant nowadays. But, can the world really blame the youth?

Every teenager has their own life stories and problems thus everyone has their own reason why they are their selves. Most of the time it all ends up to one conclusion, that is because of the environment they grew in. Teenagers who are involved in drugs whether they are the selling it or using it, normally the reason behind it is their parents are also into drugs. The youths, who are having pre marital sex, behind them are a broken family. Since they have a broken family, they dream of having their own instead. The teenagers who are into smoking and drinking alcohol, most reason are peer pressure.

As a teenager, I know that we are undergoing a certain stage in our lives called puberty or adolescence. It is where our body goes through a lot of changes. It is not just physically but also emotionally. As a result, we don't know what to do and we likely make wrong decisions. We also get a lot of different pressure everyday and most of them are coming from our family and friends, the persons we need the most. That's reality and we can't do anything about it except be our own true selves. I believe after all the only problem that a regular teenager has is finding his true self.  


  1. blaming and pointing fingers will never be a solution to anything. the point is, whatever age or race or gender one has, everyone can and must do their parts to the improvement of life. life is just a cycle, everyone starts as a baby, a kid, a student (or not), a young worker, an adult and eventually an old person and through each one's experience in God, they can perform their own duties may or may not be better than the others but the important thing is do our best being part of the solution than blaming the problem. :) our PATH determines our DESTINATION. no matter how rough or smooth it may be :)


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