sLow anD painfuL deaTh...

yesterday while i was browsing channels on the tv, i got into this drama series.. i don't know why i didn't change the channeL.. buT there was thiS scEnE that striked me..there was this little kid knocking the door of her mom. *i think the mom there has a cancer since she showed her hair falling and her face is so pale so like other dramas i think she have a cancer.* and her mother didn't speak she just got out..and then she asked her child if she was crying then.. the child answered.. its ok if you lock your door.. its better if you don't want me in....  but just answer me if i call you.. if i call you, you must answer me.. i get scared if you don't...hehe.. that scene left  me teary-eyed.. before if you will ask me wHat kind oF death I would  rather have.. would it be like that one me having a terrible disease and like waiting for me to die.. or the one like being shut by a bullet or something like being hit by a car.. years ago i had already chosen which type of death i would rather have.. and that is the slow death.. in which i thought would be better.. there i would be prepared.. if the doctors would say i have two months left.. i would enjoy that two months.. i would have the best two months of my life than cluelessly die..after watching that scene.. i think what i have decided on.. is just so selfish..  i mean..i think i could handle that slow death thing.. but i haven't given a thought to the people around me.. how about them. could they see me slowly dying?? could they bear the fact that i am about to die?? could they be happy for me that i'm about to die?? i guess not.. hehe wait you guys might think i have this really terrible disease ha.. hehehe.. i don't and  i also don't want to have one.. so the point is that whenever i'm about to choose about the kind of death i would rather have.. now i would probably choose. the one that is unexpected... not that i'm ready for it today.. or anything..*but if it's god's will that i die today.. it's ok.!*


  1. knowing how important life is a good thing
    but knowing how important your life is to others is better :)

    selfless :)


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