sTars aS frieNds..

Friends are the ones who are always there when you need them. Everybody has friends even the poorest person has. Friends are like stars not always seen but actually always there. As there are different kinds of stars there are different kinds of friends.

Stars don’t shine equally, some shine more and some less than the others but the good thing is they still shine. In this long journey we have we will learn a lot of different things; we will meet a lot of people. Some of those many people will be our friends.

We get to meet different kinds of friends. Some will be like the shiniest star all of us have ever seen. They will have to be the real good friends we will ever have. They will help us in everything life is going to throw at us. Then, there will be these not so shiny stars; they will have to be your real good friends but only for a period of time. It is like they have an expiration date you will only have them for a while. Next is the less shiny star. They are the good weather friends, friends that only exist when everything is good. Last is the much dimmed star. These kinds of friends will surely do you no good. They will show you things that appear to be good but actually they are not.

There are different kinds of friends as there are different kinds of stars. No matter how they shine they are still friends. They may be the much dimmed star but they still are friends all you have to do is be their shiniest star. It’s not how shiny your star is but how shiny you are.


  1. nice classification. in the first paragraph, you forgotto punctuate a sentence which resulted to a run-on. btw, where is the future leaders' dillemma? it couldn't be found.

  2. humm... you know, my friends should read this. it doesn't mean that if they don't see you physically, it means you're not there for them. it doesn't mean if you're not available, you don't care. it's just that there are other ways to be available that even the littlest prayer can be more than enough to get you through the day. :)


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