fOr mY biGgesT rOck.!
last bLog, i wrOte a pOem.. buT i'M nOt taLented enOugH tO write anOther oNe *hehehe.. maYbe nxT yeaR.. i'LL wriTe yOu a pOem.! aHakz* sO.. i'M gOnna share yOu a sOng..!
daD.! aHmm.. tHanks fOr aLL tHe sUppOrT.. fOr aLl the lOve tHat yOu have giVen aLL these yeaRs.!!! and tHougH sOmeTimEs.. i fOrgeT tO shOw yOu how haPpY anD bLessEd i aM tO have yOu as my faTher.. i hOpe tHat in tHis bLog.. yOu sEe hOw mucH i love yOu.!! hehehe.. *sorrY iF soMetiMEs i disResPecT yOu wiTh hOw i taLk wiTh yOu buT i guEss its jusT likE thAt.! hehe.. i tend yo fOrgEt at times that yOu are mY father.. i regard yoU as one oF my friEnds.. buT i didn'T meaN iT liKe tHat.. i resPecT aNd lOve you as mucH as yOu knOw.!!! i jusT knOw that like a friend i can talk to yOU wiTh jusT abOut anytHiNg....* daD.. yOu're mY biGgesT rOck..! aGain haPpY faTher's daY.!!! tHis soNg is fOr yOu.!
Because You Live
Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice pulls me back like a wake up call
I've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn't know
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, DAD
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
It's alright, I survived, I'm alive again
Cuz of you, made it through every storm
What is life, what's the use if you're killing time
I'm so glad I found an angel
Who was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly, looking in your eyes
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, DAD
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live, I live
Because you live there's a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've given me always
Because you live, I live
shouldn't you be a poet mariel? :) i love poetry by the way... hmm i should be doing poetry again i think ... haha