DAY 37!

click here for the last post :)

before the actual update on what had happened in the bible, i want to thank the LORD for a wonderful January and for not letting me miss a day on my bible reading :) He made a way :)

so here after a month i have been through a lot! wow! it's only february and i can see God
s faithfulness and awesomeness :) from the last post I was done reading the giving of The Ten Commandments and after 9 days of reading i am now DONE with the book of EXODUS :) time flies so much when you are having fun. though i must admit that the latter part of exodus is a bit boring. Anyway after the giving of the ten commandments is the requirements of the Lord to be done by the Israelites. and wonderfully enough at the end of Exodus, after all what they have done it says "as the Lord has commanded them" meaning they have done everything according to the commands of God :)

From the last post I was already in Matthew Chapter 18 and today I am now done with Chapter 23 :)
Let me share this verse from Matthew Chapter 21 that really impressed on me.  This should serve as an encouragement for everyone and a promise to claim :)

Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer"

and as the children in the Sunday school would always sing it... "Read your bible, pray everyday and you'll grow grow grow" GOD BLESS EVERYONE! :)


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