theology today.

not the theology today-today as in the whole world NOT THAT OK?

this post would be about what i learned and realized during our theology class today. the perfect class to reflect huh? :)

anyway the topic was about... sex and using contraceptives. you know how the catholic church would not agree on the proposed reproductive health bill that is now being pushed through here in the Philippines.

i for myself agrees to the use of condoms and such contraceptives just so that it does not cause abortion. why? well because i can't see any difference between ARTIFICIAL family planning and NATURAL family planning. they are still FAMILY PLANNING.

before you raise your eyebrows here me out first :P i may have a point here. a point they all have been missing all this time.

The reason why they don't like the ARTIFICIAL family planning is because it prevents the meeting of the egg and the sperm it's like MAN is being responsible for procreating. i mean like, they have too much choice and control on fertilization. the church doesn't agree on that. BUT Natural family planning is permissible. since they are open to life or something like it.

HOW CAN NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING BE OPEN TO LIFE? when the main reason of having sex that night is because the woman is infertile? when the main reason why they did it is because they know that there will be no babies afterwards?

do you get it?

if the reason why the church is not allowing AFP is because it prevents the meeting of the sperm and the egg then should be the NFP not allowed too? since it's the same thought.

since i have the problem. i should have the solution right? since i am proposing that if it is really immoral to use AFP and NFP then what should people do? just let the world be filled with pregnant women and crying babies? well here's a thought.

I know that sex is a natural occurring phenomenon between married couples. i get it. they need sex in their relationship. BUT if they lessen it to NOT having it EVERYDAY. I believe that it will lessen the chances of getting unplanned pregnancies. if they would have sex like once a week. -i don't actually know if that is possible or not :P- they would have 3:1 chance.

I AM JUST SAYING THAT. TIMELY ABSTINENCE IS NOT THE KEY EITHER. the main purpose of sex is to produce babies. the pleasure and all the other things are just second to that.

forgive me if i don't exactly know what i am talking about. xD


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