day 51

hi!imitating natalie tran's intro :P

so i'm now down to day 51 of my bible readings which started last january 1 :) and to today i am still thankful to the grace of our dear Lord for not letting me miss a day without reading his words :)

go here for the last post

as of today. i have officially read FOUR BOOKS in the bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Matthew :)
I'd never thought i would actually finish all 4 books in just short period of time. actually i am limiting myself to just reading what is for today so that i will read the bible everyday and not result to reading everything for the week in a one day sitting and not read the following days. Remember in the Lord's prayer? "Give us THIS DAY our DAILY BREAD" Jesus taught us to pray like that and not "give us food for the rest of the week and next week when the food is all gone i will pray again and ask you again" NOPE. he wants us to pray everyday. every time. he wants us to tell it all. TO HIM :)

so as for the book of Leviticus which i honestly prayed for it to be over quickly xD I KNOW BAD. SORRY. :( is actually a good book :) just like the rest of the bible. This book is just so detailed that if the Lord would make an exam out of it i may have to fail. :( Thank God he had sent Jesus! or else if we will still have to live with the old testament laws O.O <--- that will be me xD :))

as for the new testament...... last thursday i had finished the book of MATTHEW...... YAY! :) now off to a new gospel. the gospel of Mark. I never really knew the difference between the gospels. I remember learning it in school once but i forget. Now I will find out myself :)

and as a verse for myself...

Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised"

James 1:4 " Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything"



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