
heartfelt is L.O.V.E.

it's my 2nd time attending ccf and everything there is still just as amazing as the first time i went. though this event wasn't the normal worship service, it still made me :) BIG TIME.

what's so amazing is that they give so many TAKE HOME. not the take-home you take home after parties like food etc but instead something that will not rot even if stored for a hundred more years. i wish i had recorded every testimony that the speakers gave. everything is just so amazing.

so now, i'll try to write my insights about their testimonies. i'll try to remember the best points as much as i can. i don't have a very good writing atmosphere right now actually and words are not just flowing.

FIRST - from a bachelor, Michael Welsch - he had his testimony based on the movie "stranger than fiction" i haven't watched it yet but i know i SHOULD. but what i took home from him is that, it all comes to the end. you won't really know if you're in a comedy or drama unless you see the end. that where you are now is not the entire story. Trust God. Trust His plans. and at the end of the day, our goal is still to be with him in eternity.

SECOND - from a soon to be married couple, Nikki and :O omo sorry i forgot. XD - their love story was amazing. Through their testimony, I have proven once again that God is the best source of love stories. That if you let him write yours, prepare to be blown away. it will be like no other. it is better than the movies. I love how their timings were so perfect. You can really see how God is working through their lives. I have learned that if you have a deep and intimate relationship with God, everything will fall into place in HIS perfect time :)

THIRD - from a 3 yrs married woman - Cecile -forgive me if i spelled it wrong- Now this one is exceptional. I want to be like her when i grow up. :) Just like her i have my OWN timetable of my life. believe it or not, i have my debut gown drawn and visualized by me as young as 13 yrs old. I even have my SPECIFIC DATE (day/month/year) of my WEDDING. i had it realized ever since 2008. and yes i am working very hard just to meet my deadlines. Just like her i have thought "he is the one" and though i never dated as many times as she had -well because maybe i am just 17 today- i had my own share of "he is ALMOST it" like her, i tried to compromise sometimes, though thank God my fears are just too much to bare that i make my exit halfway the situation. I learned many things from this woman. :) I learned to trust GOD. and let him lead my life. my timetables are nothing compared to what God has planned for me. I should be patient like how ate cecile really waited for her God's best and she looks really happy today. :) Just because everything is not going according to my plan doesn't mean God has already forsaken me :)

FOURTH - from a 30 yrs married Man, Jerry - Now his story got me the best. I wish i could marry into someone like him. His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and went serious depression yet He never took God off the equation. He trusted him and stayed with his wife all through out. He even read us his letter to his wife and kissed her in front of all of us which is so sweet. :) I learned that the life of a married couple is not always up. there will be so many downtimes yet if you believe and trust in God, it will work out for his greter glory. Just like what he is doing to our family! :)

Tomorrow i'll spend my sunday again at CCF together with friends. Hopefully i'll have something new to share to you again. One thing is sure, that God speaks. We have to LISTEN to him. Just because he is quiet doesn't mean he is NOT listening. HE IS. AND EVERYTHING will go according to his plan in his perfect time :)



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