day 43 well, 44

Hello there *baby james version*

It's my 43rd day, technically 44th but oh well, of reading the bible. :) And Thank God i still haven't missed a day. I am still excited to read his words everyday. i can't wait to read the lives of the great man and woman of God :)

So as of the last post, where i have finished reading the book of Exodus, today i am now in the book of Leviticus. i just read Chapter 13 for this day. As all or some of you may know, the book of Leviticus contains the set of Laws that were given to the Israelites. I knew right before that there is really a downtime in the bible like this book of leviticus which is full of laws and the book of numbers which will be full of, of course, numbers. But surprisingly I am surviving it! Their laws are actually logical. like how would they separate the one with infectious diseases etc. Their laws were not merely "just because God wanted to" but some do have scientific basis on them. Though i must admit, there are really many laws to be followed. and as we all know, our God is the God of order, his laws were so detailed. If i was living then, I don't think i'll make the cut. xD THANK GOD!

As for the new testament, I am now in Matthew 26. I am nearing the greatest act of love done by Jesus, the Crucifixion. I am so excited to read these myself and experience and commemorate God's love one more time. :)

Today is such a blessing to me. I learned so many things about Love and how i should not rush into it. I learned to really Trust God and leave everything up to him.

If the only thing that is stopping you from reading the bible today is well i don't know, i guess any reason will do, then I tell you, God is still waiting for you. Everyday he is knocking to your heart. Wanting you to hear what he has to say. Wanting to give you blessings. We won't be able to know what's in store for us unless we start reading his words. So read your Bible! TODAY. :)


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