stranger than fiction

so just last week i went into this event, and the speaker had his talk about a movie. "stranger than fiction" i finally decided to watch and yesterday I did.

the movie left me crying before it's ending. actually i can't tell if i was just having a bad day or the movie really got me. but here i am writing about it. the movie is really great. the movie got me thinking. what if my life is being written by someone. ow wait my life really is being written by someone. thank GOD :)

actually this post is supposed to be written yesterday. when every bit of inspiration from the movie is still with me. so i'll just end up with putting here the most memorable quotes in the movie. :)

it's a book about a man who doesn' know he's about to die... then dies. but if the man does know he's going to die, and dies anyway... dies willingly, knowing he could stop it... you tell me... Isn't that the type of man you want to keep alive?

This may sound like gibberish to you, but I think I'm in a tragedy. 

Ana Pascal: What are they?
Harold Crick: [quietly] Flours.
Ana Pascal: What?
Harold Crick: I brought you flours. 

Harold Crick: Miss Pascal, I've been odd, and I, I know I've been odd, and... I want you.
Ana Pascal: What?
Harold Crick: There there are many reasons, there are so many influences in my life, that are telling me, at times, quite literally, that I should come here and bring you these, but I'm doing this because I want you.
Ana Pascal: You want me?
Harold Crick: In no uncertain terms.
Harold Crick: Because I want you.
Ana Pascal: [realizing that he's really not being a creep and just a guy who's not used to saying what he feels] Well... I... isn't there some... very... clear and established... rule... about... fraternization?
Harold Crick: Auditor/Auditee protocol?
Ana Pascal: Yeah.
Harold Crick: Yeah, but I don't care. Why? Because I want you. 

Kay Eiffel: I read this, in this fantastically depressing book, that when you jump from a building, it's rarely the impact that actually kills you.

Kay Eiffel: [narrating] Little did he know that this simple seemingly innocuous act would result in his imminent death.
Harold Crick: What? What? Hey! HELLOOO! What? Why? Why MY death? HELLO? Excuse me? WHEN? 

Penny Escher: I will gladly and quietly help you kill Harold Crick.
Kay Eiffel: And this coming from someone who's never thought about leaping off a building. 

Kay Eiffel: [narrating] And so he did what countless punk-rock songs had told him to do so many times before: he lived his life. 

Ana Pascal: It was a really awful day. I know, I made sure of it

Harold Crick: I may already be dead, just not typed. 

Kay Eiffel: I went out... to buy cigarettes and I figured out how to kill Harold Crick.
Penny Escher: Buying cigarettes?
Kay Eiffel: As I was... when I came out of the store I... it came to me.
Penny Escher: How?
Kay Eiffel: Well, Penny, like anything worth writing, it came inexplicably and without method. 

Harold Crick: I have to tell you something.
Ana Pascal: Is it a secret?
Harold Crick: Sort of.
[they kiss]
Harold Crick: I adore you.
Ana Pascal: I adore you. Was that it?
Harold Crick: No. I have to tell you this... and I want you to listen very carefully.
[he sits up]
Harold Crick: You can deduct the value of all the food you give away as a charitable contribution. It amounts to more than what you're currently withholding and doesn't break any tax laws.
Ana Pascal: Harold, Harold. The point is to break the tax laws.
Harold Crick: I want to make the world a better place too, Ana. I think that means keeping you out of jail.
Ana Pascal: Okay.
Harold Crick: Okay. 

sorry i may have gone overboard but everything in the movie is memorable and quote worthy :P


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