

My mind is flooding of ideas about that. I am having a lot of questions now. Is there such a thing as wasted love? how about wasted time? or wasted life for an instance. And I think i may have some ideas to possible answers...


ever read the quote that students love? "The time you spent wasting your time is not a wasted time" A great excuse huh? but.... "The only time wasted is the time you spent thinking you're alone" NOW WHAT'S THIS. i thought there are no wasted time. but then this another great statement says not. there IS wasted time.
(sorry, doesn't make sense.. i know.)


i dont really know... but i think the only wasted life are those with sad funerals. How did i come up with that. i don't know. but. don't you think so too? I know funerals are meant to be sad. But if the life was well spent there is no really regrets. Death is NATURAL. everybody will die eventually. are you following? what i am trying to say is that... if our lives have been great and well-lived, people are happy in our funeral saying. He lived his life. He finally completed everything there is to do.


now this one is really using up most of my brain cells. i don't know how to explain about wasted love. As a person, i strongly believe in LOVE. I am in love with love. Love is the greatest thing there is. I also believe in everyone deserves to love and be loved in return. I never really thought of wasted love up until today. or maybe i did. but. when do people actually say that their love is wasted. when the people they love turned out to be. idk. bad? but that couldn't be counted as wasted love right? at the moment you really loved that person. it just stopped. again... are you following me? i am not getting anywhere am i?

what really brought this blog is.... IS THERE SUCH THING AS WASTED LOVE?


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