Philip Wang!

Philip Wang of Wong Fu Productions, this one's for you!

THANK YOU! for writing your "feelings" i'm talking about your xanga. I could have commented you there but i dont have an account. I hope you get to read this someday :) THANK YOU! for being an inspiration! I am not sure of your impact all over the world but i know that you have made a great one on me :) Keep writing! you'll never know how many people you change, you INSPIRE! :) Thank you for being THE difference this world needs. :)

*if you're phil and you have read this please tell me :) will dearly appreciate it!

anyway to any of you who doesn't know Phil, I don't have any idea who he is either. HAHA Well not really don't have any idea since he officially made my list of people i look up to. It's just that I think I am not really entitled to describe or tell you what he's like. Go find your own definition of Philip Wang! In that way, you'll be able to appreciate him more :) 

here's how : and and and know him better here! 



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