flip on it!

hmm.. which one should i choose? to go or not to go? pink or violet? and so on. have you ever encountered questions like this? where the choices are equally ok for you? well not equally ok but it's like you can go with any of the two? 

well i know i have.

whenever i encounter this problems or situations and i can deal with both of the choice. you know what i do. FLIP ON IT. YUP. i flip a coin. 

often times i follow what the coin says. but I KNOW. that life can't be dictated by the coin. so here's what i actually do. this one i actually got from a hannah montana episode where she has to choose between two GREAT boys. well the principle i have is this: flip a coin AND examine yourself. are you happy with the result? if you are then follow it! if you are not then don't. You might just be thinking right now... WHY DO I HAVE TO FLIP FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE if i have to follow what makes me happy? well here's the thing.

we all know what we really want deep inside. human as we are we tend to go wait for signs, let someone tell us what to do before we actually act out on something. before you make any decision, i'm sure you know what you will choose in the end. there's just some factors you're thinking about that's why you can't say your decisions first. i am sure... before flipping the coin, at the back of your head deep deep down, you want a certain side to appear. 

so when encountering a situation where in you have to make a choice... FLIP A COIN! :)


  1. hmm. your explanation actually justifies that flipping the coin is STILL a waste of time :) why have the coin assist you with ANY decision, esp serious ones when you can actually just talk to a person about it? :) or better yet, ask for a more sensible, clear sign from God? :) the coin, no matter how much you look at it, still bases on chance and is completely a man-made object. just my 2 cents :)

    PRAY for the signs that seem impossible instead so God can answer you in a more obvious way :)

    1. I pray before I flip a coin.. #justsaying

      anddddd personal preference :) I like flipping the coin to assess myself on what i really want xD It's the hannah montana principle kuya patch and oh well.. i guess you would never understand it anyway :)

      and in my defense... God works in different wonderful ways... the coin is not exceptional to what He can use to speak to you.. :)


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