blown away!

SKIP THIS: I have sooooo many to say. but i dont think i'll be able to say it all in here. So, I just had the most priceless memories last night. I attended MJ's -blockmate- debut which was super fun and i really really enjoyed it a lot, we -my friends and i- went to eastwood last night to continue the fun, then sleepover -FINALLY- at Kim's place again with my friends, after that church @CCF with friends again, then finally went home, which was also an adventure BTW.

With a lot of happenings, I am sure you don't want to read everything that happened. Besides, i am not sure if i'll be able tell a good story out of it. The events was just too WOW to tell. anyway what i really wanted to blog is this... the message and the realization i got from the church part @CCF. 

NEVER in my whole life did i attend a church that big. well of course, IRM conventions is a different story. That church had just blown my mind away. It's like they're having concerts every sunday. I have heard stories about that church. How rich they were, how big their church is, but i tell you NEVER did i imagine it was THAT. I also heard about Pastor Peter Tan-Chi but again he had shocked me with how good he actually is.

The verse that he was speaking to is common but again it was like i NEVER heard someone explain it to me. He explained it in a very appealing way that i was able to fully grasp on it. The verse is... 
             Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows"
now you understand when i said, that the verse is common. You have heard it! in one way or another.

Now, i am not going to tell you how exactly he had explained it. but he explained it really well. Now here's what i learned...

  • Intention doesn't determine destination. ----- Just because you are willing and passionate about something it doesn't mean you will arrive at that. you have to walk your way to it. Like how pastor illustrated it: You want a healthy body. but you eat junk foods, don't exercise etc. IT WON'T GET YOU TO HAVING A HEALTHY BODY  no matter what. simple yet precise.
  • What you sow you reap ---- "if you plant bananas, you will reap bananas. If you do good works in the lord, you will reap a good harvest!" 
  • It is a process ----- if you plant bananas today, you don't expect that you will have bananas tomorrow. It takes time. So remember,  you will always reap what you sow. It might not happen tomorrow, but it will happen in the future.
  • Don't eat the seed! ------ now many of us, would just like to eat the seeds that God has given to us. A great example would be money matters. Now, God bless us financially and all we want to do with that money is to keep it to ourselves. to help us sustain our lives. We don't want to invest it anywhere, not even in God's kingdom because we are afraid that we will not be able to eat, live etc. it's like we are eating our seeds! but tell you what... WHAT YOU SOW YOU REAP. don't be afraid to give your money to the Lord worrying about your future because in due time God will bring you back EVERYTHING. :)
  • You will not reap what you didn't sow ---- if you don't plant bananas you WON'T EVER harvest bananas. follow?
  • It's not too late! ----- now pastor Peter is right. People get the "what you sow you reap" part BUT don't apply it in their lives. We think we are an exception to the rule. we believe in the laws of science and everything but never to that. I, myself is guilty of that. I have been living my 17 years of life in a wrong way. I am one of the persons who think that just because i am not reaping anything yet, i won't ever reap the fruits of my wrong doings. but here's the best part... IT'S NOT YET LATE TO START AGAIN! I believe that God is giving us new seeds everyday! So forget about your past and start planting good seeds today for a better harvest tomorrow :) 

Want to hear the entire sermon? HERE! :


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