
RANT : give Credit where Credit is due.

well here it is another rant. i'm feeling a bit rant-y this night.. idk why. but i always hated the copyright thing. i mean how can they not just let it go if someone copy paste their work or let alone photocopy their book. Admit it the photocopy thing is not even as bad as the first one. Since the photocopy is like just borrowing not stealing. Anyway, now I GET IT. that's why it is important to get your works protected. because it seriously pisses me off to see my work under someone's spotlight. not that i like the spotlight but i like MY works under MY spotlight. don't you want that too? I mean ADMIT IT. WHAT I DID WAS GOOD. but all you did was.. "nope because MY bla bla bla is good here" i mean come on! if it's not for me. that wouldn't exist in the first place right?

well i'm ok now. You know the post with what really matters. i'll just inhale that deeply and know HAPPILY that the LORD KNOWS what i have done.


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