life or something like it

yes. that is the movie of Angelina Jolie back in 2002 and no, this is not about that. Well maybe it is a little bit of that. i don't want to go anywhere near the movie because i am afraid i may not give right justice to it.

so here's the thought that's been bothering me. "What really is life?"

recently i have not been living my life. how can i say so.. well because i am not happy. i am happy but not as happy as i was. everything i have now is temporary. i can't feel anything permanent which is bothering me. i am preparing for the future and sometimes living in the past but never feeling i am living TODAY. i know total loser right.

i am not exactly living.. i am just existing. i am so fired up for my future i don't even care for today. tomorrow is what is more important. i don't know how i ended up with this attitude but it really sucks. so, how do you really live life? what is life, really?

i know it is too early for me to really know what really is life. but as i view myself, i am a fast learner, i learn from my mistakes... even from the mistakes of others. i dont even know why i wrote that. well am i trying to say that i have seen so many mistakes that i don't want to live my life anymore? that i have seen so much that there is nothing for me to do anymore?

-------------------------------------NEVER FINISHED------------------------------------------------

realized i don't know anything.


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