Now the conclusion...

2010. IS A BLAST. i was actually gonna say not one of the best but i did have some best moments so i guess... 2010 is really... something.. well....

ANYWAY. First off, i would want to THANK people. for giving me a great year. for giving me a well-lived 2010. I would never have wanted to live 2010 any other way. it's not one of the best but life's like that!

THANK YOU. first of all, GOD. for never leaving me. i know i am at my most terrible this year yet your provisions never fail i love you so much. hope i made you proud at least and i hope i'll be more of a better servant in 2011. PARENTS for supporting me. DADDY. I love you so much and I miss you terribly. Thank you for getting well and getting better everyday. I am so glad and blessed that you are my father. i would NEVER WANT ANY OTHER. I LOVE YOU. MAMA, i love you and I miss you too. i don't know what to say to you actually. but thank you for giving me life. for not aborting me 17 years ago. maybe there are times you regret having me but thank you anyways. SIBLINGS you know how much i love you and how thankful i am that you guys are my siblings. specially now that we cant do anything about it can we? ATE MICHELLE. thank you for everything. i know i have not been the best but thank you. I LOVE YOU. KUYA MICHAEL. well, thanks for going here. thanks for many things. and sorry for being nosy. i wish you all the best in 2011.  MICO. hey brother! what have you got there? i love you mico. :) ate yeye is always here for you and you know that. you're THE most perfect little brother i could ever get. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU. GRANDPARENTS for watching over me. MOMMY. YOU'RE THE SWEETEST LOLA EVER. thank you mommy. i love you. LOLO. thank you soooo much. for making me laugh all the time. and for caring for me. you're the best lolo i could possibly ever have. Tito Randy, Tita Liz, for doing the chores for me :P YUKII for being the cutest pet ever! EKEKZ-hashing, smootchie, abby, xexe, therese, mikki and mommy pao! for still being there! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Hope we'll still get closer as another year comes! Janelle, Kim, Dane, Chue and Didi THANK YOU for all the fun we had. looking forward to a more fun 2011! PANGET. yes you get to be on this list. of people i love. THANK YOU. super thank you. you're a perfect bestfriend. kahit na hindi tayo palagi naguusap. you never fail. :) THANKS! TJ. thank you :) i couldn't thank you enough for always being there. sorry for being me. sorry if you always have to understand me. sorry. but thank you because i know you love me nevertheless. regardless. :) Ate angel, thank you for everything. i miss you! IRM people, angela, apol anna, annie.... and every one. THANK YOU. for letting me know that whatever happens i'll always have you :) MFBC people zyrene, joyce, kuya mark, daddy eldan, and everyone there is THANK YOU! for teaching me so much. PSDians! thank you for all the fun that we are still having together! BMT 2013 for being a great block! let's all do our best in 2011! FIGHTHING! Pastor Ariate, Pastor Gil, Kuya Bong, Pastor Peter Tan-Chi for giving such wonderful messages. YOU for reading this!

honestly i don't know how to really conclude 2010. 2010 is just too much! i have started the year great! started it with family and after a few days a dramatic plane ride with fly away by jojo as my theme song. :)) february came and a massive loss happened. no i don't really account it as a loss. i know we'll see each other again someday. NANAY LINA i miss you :) I LOVE YOU! i'm glad you're in heaven already! then just like that i have finished another semester already :) YAY! better grades i should say! then FAMILY TIME AGAIN! best vacation ever! :) then 1st semester was the lowest of the lowest time i had this 2010. that was my greatest struggle. though as the year ends, i feel i am getting back on track already! i feel like i am ending 2010 not with a fizzle but with a BANG :)

BUT HOW CAN I FORGET?! the epic quest i had with the Nick J thingy? that sure did brighten my day not because it was a success it was a big FAIL btw but NEVERTHELESS i saw all the friends i have earned through out my entire life. the ones who supports my craziness :) SO THANKS A BUNCH!


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