THE PLAN for 2011 :P ---- UPDATE!

Hello world! It's (looks at the calendar on the down-right most of the screen) FRIDAY another day another post? :) *AND YES THAT WAS DESTORM* :))

ok seriously. it's an update AGAIN on my plan for 2011. i'm telling you i'm serious about it. This year's resolution is not just like any other resolution. It's THE PLAN in progress. so here it goes.

ORIGINAL <--- click that for the original plan :) even if you don't it's ok. i didn't alter the plan :) I'm a man of honor. i mean what i say and i say what i mean :) *not all the time, sorry* XD

1st. ENOUGH HUNCHBACK-YEYE. i am going to make sure my back is ALWAYS straight. i'll need this for the future. :) ---OK SO I FAILED at this, this month. actually i just straighten my back 10 seconds ago :)) after i saw that phrase..  So NO PROGRESS AT ALL. but the thing is. EVERYTIME i forget it, but whenever i notice my back not straight i make an effort. PROMISE :)

2nd. BE THE DIFFERENCE that you always wanted to be. that the world needs. --- SERIOUSLY WORKING ON IT! :) i have  ways already and some are put into action already! :)

3rd. LESS OF YOURSELF MORE OF OTHERS. as the movie "TRON" said it.. remove yourself from the equation ;) not EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU. BUT of course TOO MUCH HURTS NOW. --- this one i fail to do so most of the times STILL. 

4th. I-TOLD-YOU-SO-NO-MORE. stop saying i told you so. enough proving you're right and they are wrong. ;) --- Now this is gonna be funny... see i don't say it OUT LOUD now. Just in my head :)) though sometimes it slips. SO PROGRESS RIGHT? though i really need to get it out pf my head. :| 

5th. READ YOUR BIBLE. i PLAN to finish the bible :) it's possible! --- YES YES YES! never missed a day yet! almost missed a day but thank God i haven't :)

6th. STUDY HARD! PRAY HARDER! as one of my coolest friends have written for me on my 17th birthday. have to get my priorities STRAIGHT. PRAY STUDY PARTY :)) --- YES! though i still need to improve my study habits. but I AM ON MY WAY! YEAH!!

LAST. ENOUGH PLEASING EVERYBODY. seriously, i know you have that first-born trait so bad for a while. If you're going to please anyone it should be AT LEAST... the girl in the mirror BUT MORE THAN THAT IT SHOULD BE ONLY... THE ONE WHO DIED ON THE CROSS :) NO ONE ELSE. NO EXCEPTIONS --- I think i had progress on this one. OH WAIT. NOPE i haven't i think i just went negative on this. But it's ok, everything's good! 

So yeah. february went by SO FAST. Looking back. i had a lot of things done. but i can't seem to feel the time that had passed. i was too busy at school at times but yeah. everything's good. :) AND YES MARCH FINALLY CAME! aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh a few more days and i'll see myself on a plane again and i'll have lots and lots of photo sesh with myu siblings in doha. :) I AM SOOOOO EXCITED. LOOKING FORWARD to a BUSY yet fulfilling MARCH. :) I need to really make good on my study habits since this'll be the last month to make for my grades! :)


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