random fact

So here's a story of a girl. who has lots and lots of pictures.

let's just call her Mariel or yeye as her friends call her :)

HAHAHA so much for a dramatic intro. here's the real thing. so if you really know me. you'll know that i take pictures of myself way too often. there's actually a story behind it. YES i don't just do it just because i want to but because there's actually a REASON behind it.

so what actually or WHO actually brought me to this. I don't take pictures of myself because i look beautiful or something like that. I do it because way way back when dinosaurs friendster ruled the world. or at least my world there was this guy. An indonesian friend of mine. whom i can't seem to remember the name told me to "take pictures of myself everyday, because girls my age grow up fast" AND YES. i took  his advice SERIOUSLY. though of course i lay-low a little since i know that i don't grow up THAT fast to have my photo taken every single day...

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT. why i take photos of myself a LOT. :)


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