today was a fairytale

Today is day 3 (of 4) of my finals. So you can just imagine the stress and pressure I have with me. I even asked my friend to change my password in Facebook so I wont be able to access it leaving me more time to study :P Today is dedicated for Philipine Literatures and Pharmacology. Pharmacology. ugh. it's tough. there was a big deal of pressure for me since i have shot of having high grades on this one. I don't want to be the girl who gave up the last minute. I don't want to waste all my efforts just because i failed to give it on my finals. but then i think i failed. but OH WELL.

but that's NOT today's fairytale. it is actually about NICK JONAS.

yup Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers.
how did he end up in my day?

keep reading.

Nick apparently has a formspring and facebook account. Actually to keep it straight, I don't know if it's real. but I believe it is. I found those accounts months ago. During that time, it was inactive. Which made it more real to me :P since hey the guy is nick jonas. How could he keep an updated account right? The story of how I ended up in those accounts were pretty reliable too. I HAVE NO DOUBTS if it was real or not. For me, it was really Nick Jonas.

So I added him on FB and asked a few questions on formspring. I never never never hoped that he will reply. I just did everything just for the sake of doing it. But then today. He accepted my friend request and even answered a question on formspring.

anyway. seeing the notifications on my mail. I immediately freaked out. LITERALLY FREAKED OUT. but still.. the fairytale ISN'T that one.

Reading the previous posts on his fb. i read their conversations. I don't know why but it broke my heart. I felt betrayed or somewhere near that. Then i read his info. His was well written. I thought again. HE IS NICK JONAS ALRIGHT. i mean from his mind came out those hit songs so this info is very much his. and i quote:
NicholasIn the end, its not the amount of years in your life. Its the amount of life in your years. So live it up.

I'm Nick. I'm not into these online profile things, but, here I am. I'd like to start off by saying, 98% of the stuff you read on those crazy gossip sites isn't true. I'm not dating this person, that person, and every other person I'm seen with. I'm not going solo, I'm not in love with Demi, I'm not moving a thousand miles away from home. There are things that happen for 'publicity', not for private. Media tends to twist words around a lot. Drama will be drama as rumors will be rumors. It'd like it best if you'd ask me first, before assuming anything more.

To me, the aspects of one's true personality which matter the most simply cannot be compiled to some silly little 'bio' section on a website. Get to know me, one way or another.
 Here's the fairytale. Today is a fresh start as he once again said it on his formspring. Today is really a fresh start.
You may find this dramatic.
It is.
But then.
Today, I finally realized. HE IS NOT REAL. not the accounts. oh believe me i still don't have doubts that nick jonas owns them but what i mean is. HE is NOT real. The guy is NOT real. Yes. He is Nick Jonas. But all i know from him came from somebody else. not from Him. I am one of the millions of girls wishing he would see me, notice me, know that I exist. That somehow I could get a chance with him. but today. I dont see him that way anymore. I WON'T. I SHOULD NOT. I have finally realized that the dreams I have. Him seeing me. Him noticing me. WONT EVER HAPPEN. and with that I give up :)
I am not saying I hate him. I am just saying. He's right. I don't know him. The Nick Jonas I know, may or may not be him.

I finally woke up. grew up. As a soon to be debutant. I should start making a point that i am maturing. and one way of showing that. is getting it straight with nick jonas. Seriously. I love him. I can feel the pain and the rush everytime there's something about him. but then I DONT KNOW HIM!? i shouldn't be like that right? right? SO I SAY. NICK JONAS. i'm not gonna be your biggest fan anymore :P

I'll still be a fan though. I love his music. If there's anything I know about Nick Jonas is that he makes good music. That part will never change.

As for the fairytale part? HERE IT IS. ME. the fairytale is me. It may not be a happily ever after for me YET but i am sure i am on my Once upon a time. :)


  1. Thanks Positive Thoughts. You are what I need :) Positive thoughts :) God Bless you as well!


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