day 63

WOW It's March already :) Like nobody realizes that. :)) anyway. I am down to day 63 of my bible in one year project. :) Though i must admit that my energy is not the same as i first started reading but somehow I feel MORE energetic as days passes by. :) so as an update to my bible in one year project...

last post :)

As of today, I am in Numbers Chapter 33 and Mark Chapter 9 :) It's been 122 days since the last post where i have just finished the book of Leviticus and I am now in Chapter 33 of the next book. WOW. actually i knew i have gone far from where i started because now, from where i am reading... the israelites is almost at the promise land. YUP. FINALLY. after being oppressed by the Egyptians for soooooo long they have finally arrived the promise land :)

you know what typing that i have come to a realization. And this what i want to talk about my realizations, not the events of what i have read because you can read those too for yourself so the realization. When God promises something HE DOES IT FOR SURE. he promised Abraham, Jacob and Isaac that He will bring their descendants to a land flowing with milk and Honey AND HE DID. it may have took a LOOOOOOOONG wait but HE DID. so just like that. We should all trust the Lord that when He says something HE DOES IT. though it may take a loooong time it will HAPPEN. FOR SURE. no doubts. because he is like that. he doesn't forget even though generations have passed his promise with Abraham has not been forgotten. :)

As for the New testament, as mentioned I am now in Mark chapter 9. I don't know exactly why, or if this is certain but i feel like i'm loving the gospel of Mark than Matthew. I DON'T KNOW. but as of now that is my stand. Since i can't seem to figure out or remember what my I learned from school as to how the four gospels viewed Jesus. I GOOGLED IT. nope didn't yahoo it :P aaccording to my research and i quote.
We must see Jesus as King (Matthew), the perfect Man of action (Mark), the Master Teacher (Luke), and God (John).
from :

i don't know or maybe i know but i don't want to tell it since it's IRRELEVANT. :)) anyway GOOD DAY EVERYONE. :)

here's a verse from my bible readings :)

Numbers 11:23 "The Lord answered Moses, Is the Lord's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you."


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