breaking the silence.

Mark 8:36 "What good is it for the man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

Lady gaga.

NEED I SAY MORE? even those who knows little about the evil stuff will get a sure hint on what she is trying to do.

But I am not here to talk about her. she's not worth talking about  there's nothing more to say about her. She plays it SUPER obvious. What i came to talk about is SERIOUSLY WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR WORLD?

how come lady gaga still has millions of followers when she plays her game SO DIRTY. I mean. i know there's really people who is really like that (you know... but in case you don't here's a clue "EVIL lovers") but are they really that many? I THINK NOT. How can you blind yourselves and let yourselves be deceived on why lady gaga is doing those things? you say Fashion? HUH?! you say Talent? well maybe she has but IS IT THAT BRILLIANT to forfeit your souls as well?  you say RUMORS? HELLO It's right under your nose for crying out loud! you say It's JUST music? things are never JUST like that. and i know you know it.

am i saying too much? THINK AGAIN.


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