day 12 on 100th post!

LAST POST ON bible in one year! ---->

hello! i can't believe you're reading this! :) but i am glad you are! i hope i won't bore you too much. i promise to make this as entertaining and as sensible as much as possible.

BTW. this is my 100th post! :)

I am now in the life of Jacob, so after day 7 post i have been through the:

  • The birth of Isaac from his mother Sarah 
  • Hagar and Ishmael being sent away --- i don't know but i feel it's just SO historic
  • Abraham tested ---- if you don't know the story read it on Genesis 22 :)
  • The Death of Sarah
  • Isaac and Rebekah 
  • Death of Abraham
  • the story of Jacob and Esau, sons of Isaac
  • Jacob and his family with Leah and Rachel as his wives and his children with their maidservant's -- -_-" :P
I am now in the part where Jacob wants to flee from Laban, father of Leah and Rachel :)

As for the New testament, I am now in Matthew 9, which means that I have been through the "principles" that Jesus handed down and through His healing works. Though His miraculous works continues as I read the next chapters.

So maybe you're wondering, why post this? Actually i have a lot of reasons. As mentioned in the earlier post, I am encouraging people to read with me so that we'll be able to finish the bible TOGETHER. 

I am here to testify, actually, of what the Lord has done for me ever since i started on this commitment. He has done so much, more than i deserve. Everything done with His GRACE. i may not be able to write every blessing he had given me because i think it's unnecessary to tell you anyway but THE POINT IS. there ARE really SO MANY BLESSINGS :) i just feel that this is the reward of being able to read His word faithfully :)

In addition to the blessings that i have been receiving lately, here is another reward, THE BIBLE IS A GREAT SOURCE OF EVERYTHING! :) here are some of the many great verses i have encountered already :)

Genesis 15:1 "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield. Your very great reward"
Genesis 16:13 "...You are the God who sees me..... I have now seen the God who sees me"
Matthew 9:13 "....I desire mercy, not sacrifice, For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners"

May you find it in your heart to start reading the Bible too! :) If you think that i just have nothing better to do, well you're correct! because so far in my 17 years of existence, this is THE BEST decision i have ever made :) to really make an effort to finish the bible this year. though don't forget that i am STILL, a college student with loads and loads of schoolworks. I tell you this. Don't worry about your tasks, our dear Lord will take care of them for you! oh no, don't get me wrong. i am not telling you to STOP studying and just read the bible. all i am trying to say is... as it is written in Matthew 6:33-34 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."


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