day 21

hey ya'll! :) sorry i haven't posted anything in a while. just finished exams week! :) ---i say this as if there's really people anticipating anything :P---

So it's finally day 21 and i am so proud to report that i have finished! the book of genesis :P today i officially started the book of exodus reading its first 3 chapters. i must say. my life has been a lie! -sorry the rain got me all dramatic- but seriously! i feel like i have been deceived ruthlessly or something. as i read the first 3 chapters of exodus, i found out that.... the movie "Ten Commandments" is NOT TRUE at ALL! i thought it was a direct translation of how it happened in the bible but it is NOT! the movie would have been not that long if it were to follow the bible faithfully. ANYWAY. after the last post, i have been through the:

  • the life of Jacob
  • the life of Joseph the dreamer
  • The death of Jacob and Joseph and eventually everyone else.
  • The Israelites being oppressed in Egypt
  • The birth of Moses and how he got in the palace REAL STORY.
  • Moses and the burning bush
SEE if you would have noticed i am just in Exodus Chapter 3 yet i already have read the "moses and the burning bush" if you have seen the movie "Ten Commandments" you will understand what i am saying. *sigh* 

As for the New Testament I am now in Matthew 14, continuing the life and works of Jesus Christ. *honestly, there are just too much to say about what i have been reading in the new testament. i am afraid i am not gonna tell or even describe what's been going on directly. SO READ IT FOR YOURSELF :)*

if you are still not reading the bible, PLEASE read it now! think about it. if you start reading the bible now, early next year you're already done! The rewards are overflowing i tell you :> read the next post after this for my recent reward :) As God had fulfilled his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He will also fulfill his promises to you! 


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