my sister's keeper

so today, i got to watch a movie titled "My sister's Keeper" on HBO. i watched half of the movie but i guess i knew how the story went. i'm not gonna tell how it went but i am actually gonna think of how will it be if it was me.

there's two options. as always. i could be the sick sister or the sister's keeper. or the elder brother. so there's three option.

if i was the sick sister. i could have not made the same decision as hers. i could have still kept fighting. there is nothing in this world that can keep me from being healed. it may have been painful for me to watch my sister but i have to live. i just have to. do everything i can in order to survive. it's funny because whenever i imagine myself being kidnapped or robbed my lines would be. "ok kill me now" hahaha i don't know but i think it would be better to just die than to live and remember that dreadful experience :))

if i was the sister's keeper. i would have done the same. or not. i may have donated my kidneys for her. but i would have died first before doing that. i could have not understand my mother getting my kidneys to lengthen the life of my sister. i know that my sister is dying and all but the mother in the film looked like she is really willing to take anything from me-the sister's keeper- just to have my sister alive. i could have not lived through it knowing that i was designed just to let my sister live. and yes maybe i could have fought for my rights as well.

if i was the elder brother. the one who sees it all. the one who is outside the story. the one with the right judgments about things. i would have done the same as he did in the courtroom. i may have not tolerated it as well and just spit everything out. of course it would be painful for me to see my sick sister dying but i would have still done the same.

NOW the bigger question was, what if i am the mother? knowing that my child is sick. would i have done the same as she have done in the movie? would i have had a genetically matched baby just to save my sick baby?


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