
FIRST blog! of the year! :)

what took me so long to post a new entry?

there is nothing to post about. I had a lot of works lately that it became impossible to post. and there is nothing really to post about. 

To start off my first post this 2011. a narration. yes a story. a boring story that no one would probably read but i'll still write :P

JANUARY 1! and since i spent the holidays here in the philippines... here is the only positive thing that happened. really. *christmas and new year without my family is really bad. no matter how much people celebrate here i'd still prefer to celebrate my christmas and new year with them ANYWHERE.* REUNION!!!! :) mom's side :> i am so looking forward to it ever since! and since i missed 4 reunions in a row. you can imagine how much my heart is really happy :) so there. reunion was held @ tito norman's place at cabanatuan! had a lot of fun. honestly, i can't remember everything that happened now i can't put into words! :)

JANUARY 2! first sunday of the year! i originally planned to attend at irm but was too tired to say it to kuya and wake up early so instead i went to mfbc. after church, kuya and i went to sta. lucia! we ate lunch at tokyo-tokyo which is another story btw. so here it is: when kuya was taking the tray the red tea spilled all over him. and the staff DIDN'T WANT to replace. like OK. how was that possible. until i went over the counter and asked. that's the only time they have replaced it. anyway enough BV. it's new year for crying out loud. :P then we went to nbs, odyssey FINALLY BOUGHT JONAS BROTHERS DVD! WOOHOOO! then cd-r king to buy my external hard drive! thanks ate for financing it! :)

JANUARY 3. january 1 and 2 was a blast. january 3 was a pooof. start of classes already. 7 AM CLASS. argh. thought we will have a quiz but didn't. x(

january 4&5 literally TOOK ME AWAY. january 5 prelims for 2 MAJOR MAJOR subjects. and a quiz for a MAJOR MAJOR subject again. sooo. there! :)

mostly the reason why i didn't post anything new is the january 5 event. :P i should have just said it right? :)) but there was really nothing else to post about.

NOW. here i am saying. for my 1st post this 2011. i give you this nonsense! :) hahaha :P but wait until the 2nd post IT WILL make you smile. at least it makes me smile :P 


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