Promise ring!

So today I write about my promise ring :)

I’ve had it for a while now. I made my promise ring official last January 8 :) 

The promise ring was initially like the purity ring and knowing me, of course, the idea first came from the JONAS BROTHERS. I didn't really need a purity ring since I was EVER SINCE decided to give my first to my HUSBAND :) -the greatest gift I could ever give they say!- BUT since I am a BIG FAN of the Jonas brothers I decided to get myself one. Plus it could help raise awareness, spread the cause. So there.

It isn't a secret to everybody that I am really determined to finish the bible this year. At first I was reading it for information. I thought that I am a Christian ever since and it's just plain embarrassing to not know a lot of bible characters. But then there comes this wonderful quote saying. "Many books inform but only one book TRANSFORMS: THE BIBLE" :) PLUS another triggering factor is that i always remember what Pastor Peter Tan-Chi said "True acceptance of Christ is when people see you changing everyday" another would be from my realizations in my devotionals, "Do everything with and for the Lord"

in connection with the promise ring, I decided to modify my promise ring :) my promise ring wouldn't be just for being pure but it shall serve as reminder to Glorify God in EVERYTHING I do. That every time I see my ring I would be reminded of the questions... "What would Jesus do?" "Is Jesus happy with what I am doing?" "Will this contribute to His kingdom?" "Am I being a good role model for the non-believers?"

Though I must admit, I am still new to everything and many times I slip. I forget. I just couldn't help it. But I know God is working in my life right now. The point is that I am striving, advancing, moving forward to see His face clearly. And with His help, by his grace, I WILL OVERCOME :) 


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