the things that happened :)

FINALLY. found some decent keyboard that i can type comfortably :) FINALLY i am here in DOHA. FINALLY a blog entry.

there has been a lot of events lately that will forever be remembered. and i want to write about it. :) 

let me just start it with the end. of our 40 days. it is a 6-week session. all about LOVE :) that 6 (technically 5) weeks that i have spent with my girls learning everything there is in the love our God has for us is just SO AMAZING. i am so blessed to have them. there are no exact words to explain how i feel. Thank you for that experience that was totally memorable :)

NEXT a few hours after the ending of our last session. we, dane, chue, kim, janelle, didi, vyka, went to have fun! Now this moment is totally priceless. i wouldn't exchange it for anything else. While on the car and didi driving i finally felt that i was a college student. Road tripping with my friends is totally amazing. We went out-of-town! DI BA GIRLS? :)) hahaha we technically went out of NCR :P hahaha anyway. The shopping part is also fun! :) sorry if FUN is so repetitive but that is the best word to describe everything that had happened. FUN. The swimming part was FUN. the truth or dare part was FUN. the pictorial was FUN. the going-home-because-we-can't-take-it-anymore part was FUN. Oh but there was one part that wasn't fun. it was the going home part. I must admit, if it weren't for all the other people that was there i would have cried. I don't know i just dreaded the word goodbye that day. xD

After the fun trip I shared with the girls, we somehow continued the FUN. dane, chue and i went to divi straight after the above paragraph. We bought a few things. I have been in divi since forever and going back there to look for clothes with dane and chue is again priceless. Though that part was totally tiring, I am glad that happened. Not just because of the clothes that I got but because of the experience itself. After divi, i stayed for about an hour at dane's since, my day is not yet over.

Just a recap of everything that has happened. 4 days of sleep-deprived night, on the 5th day "overnight swimming" then divi. you can just imagine the tiredness that i was experiencing. and instead of going home and sleeping early to regain my lost energy form the last days but NOPE. i just couldn't do that.

My next adventure was... Justin Bieber's NEVER SAY NEVER!!! :) with tj and joyce. after the movie. just as many people have said it, i began to love justin. Well not totally, but i must admit that my love for him grew just a bit. And another confession, while i'm on it, I cried during the down to earth song. I LOVE that song. I always thought that was specially written for me. :P after the movie we went to test my basketball skills. and as expected. i lost over tj. i mean who was i kidding? how could i win over him right? but i just couldn't let the thought of maybe i'll win so we have to go try some hoops. We even did the drum-like thing. HAHAHA i'm so ambitious. Anyway. After that, joyce and tj, surprisingly for me, took me home. Which I am so thankful for, knowing that i could have been the only person in the fx if it weren't for them. :) and i think TJ went home safely that night naman. so. :)

So just like that it was saturday. and sunday is the day of my flight. instead of just staying home and making sure i am all set for my flight the next day.-which proves today NOT. I FORGOT my camera charger- HUHUHU STILL, i went out. Had some last minute errands done. and then sunday came. SUNDAY deserves its own post. so B4N :P


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