PDL - Day 10

Romans 6:13 "Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes"
DAY 10 - The Heart of Worship

And yes, this chapter has some connections to the famous song, "Heart of Worship" As I am down in chapter 10, I've noticed that the first sentence pretty much gives you the summary of the whole chapter. The first sentence for today is "The heart of worship is surrender" Now our generation teaches us to NEVER SURRENDER. we are always thought to fight back, to never give up. and that is the way to go they'll tell you. BUT The heart of worship is SURRENDER. He wants us to surrender EVERYTHING to Him. The book says that the 3 barriers that block our total surrender is fear, pride and confusion. can you see anything good from those 3? Fear has something to do with trusting God. Pride is with us not being able to admit that we can't do everything that it's NOT ALL BOUT US.

Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone. If not to God, you will surrender to the opinions or expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, or to your own pride, lusts, or ego.
We were designed to be like this! to be WORSHIPPERS! We just need to worship the RIGHT GOD. THE ONE AND ONLY GOD. and NOPE, He never said it will be easy, yet that's the beauty of the whole situation. We CAN TRUST GOD! :)



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