PDL - Day 1

Now there's a 100-item list on my planner which gives me goals to achieve and experiences to try for the whole year. and one of them is "Discover your life's purpose" I mean how can i discover my life's purpose right? Then i thought of this book. that was so popular back then. BUT back then I was so small. SO I decided to read it now! The book is no other than...

Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" 

Now, I know this book has changed millions of lives worldwide. And I say I am ready for my life to be changed! Join me as I discover my life's purpose for the next 40 days :) and oh BTW. My sister and I decided that we will be partners in this quest for our life's purpose :)

DAY 1 - It all starts with God 

The verse to remember is
Colossians 1:16 "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him."
 The first words of this chapter is
"It's not about you" 
If you will think about it thoroughly, the reason you bought this book is because you want to know YOUR life's purpose, then how come that it isn't ABOUT ME? but then the following words answer the question.
The purpose of your life is far greater than your own fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were by his purpose and for his purpose. 
AND TO THAT I AGREE. The reason why we struggle in finding our purpose is because we tend to think that it is all about US. The book further says that
You didn't create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for!
Now, I'm not here to spill everything that is in the book. if you want to know more you have to read it for yourself! It's just the first 3 pages of the book and I am being amazed already. Though I'm here to share or maybe elaborate of what I learn in the book.

Day 1 tells me that this journey is not about me. It's about God and HIS PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE. :) That to discover my purpose in life I have to turn to God's word, not the world's wisdom. That i must build my life on eternal truths , not pop psychology, success motivation, or inspirational stories -to which i am so guilty- This journey will not help me find the right career, achieve my dreams or plan my life. It is not about how to cram more activities into an overloaded schedule but in turn it will help me to do less by focusing on what matters most. It is about becoming what GOD created me to be. :)


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