PDL - Day 4

1 John 2:17 "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever"
DAY 4 - Made to Last Forever

Now this chapter tells me that life is not all there is. That my life here in earth is nothing compared to what God has for me... ETERNITY. That my relationship to God here on earth will determine my relationship with him in eternity. As for living with a purpose, I must completely set my eyes on the price. Everything I do will be reflected on my eternity. many people do anything they want here on earth because they think that they'll be dead anyway. They will be dead alright, but that wont mean anything because death is not the end of everybody. It's just the transition into eternity. And wouldn't it be painful to have all the consequences of the short lived actions you have done on earth be experienced in eternity?

And since I was made to last forever I should stop doing and wanting things that are temporary. I start loving and aspiring things that are to last forever. :)


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