PDL - Day 5

Luke 16:10a "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones."
DAY 5 - Seeing Life from God's View

"The way you see your life shapes your life"

"How do you see your life?"

Isn't it quite fitting to answer that question first before we start living, or knowing for this matter, our purpose in life? Honestly, I never really thought of how i see my life. I know that my life will end someday and all i know is that i really have to enjoy it while it lasts. I know clearly what i want with my life, my dreams, my goals. But then again going back to day one, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. Now the bible offers 3 metaphors that teach God's view of Life here on earth:

  • Test
  • Trust
  • Temporary Assignment
The first two was discussed in this chapter. Life on earth is a Test. It is a constant series of tests. Character is best developed by tests and ALL of life is a test. Some test may be major changes, delayed promises, impossible problems, unanswered prayers, undeserved criticism, and even senseless tragedies. Though we MUST be sure that all this test will be of our advantage. AND He never allows the test you face be greater than the grace He gives you to handle them.
Life on earth is a Trust. We own nothing in this life. Everything is borrowed from Him and Him alone. At the end of our lives we will be evaluated and rewarded according to how well we handles what God had entrusted to us.

Just like how most of the students do, we only study for the major ones and miss out on the little ones. But big or small it will still have an eternal effect. There were some trials that i haven't realized that I was being tested. A lot of time I fail, but Thanks to His never ending grace, I can still get back on track. I believe that the greatest matters God has entrusted to me are the people around me. Specially those who don't know Him yet. God has entrusted me to live my life accordingly so in that way i can be a living testimony of his love to them :)


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