
Showing posts from April, 2011

test post.

I just found this. I don’t know what this does.  but I’m loving it already  OH MY GOSH the faces are just appearing out of nowhere!  HAHAHAHAHA I SO LOVE THIS ***** the post was wrecked because i deleted the photos in my picasa account.. xD


today. well technically yesterday. DADDY BOUGHT ME A NEW LAPTOP!!!!! yehey!!!! :)


today i passed by onto a very familiar place in a not-so-familiar land.

finally i remember!

hahaha a few days ago. my dad told me something funny and i promised myself i am to share it with my friends. but somehow i forgot. tonight my sister and i are watching song ji hyo from goong and her charity work in the philippines. and she asked me something about korea. and then DING DING DING :)) I REMEMBER what i was suppose to share. i aws telling my dad on how the tourism students in our university get to tour korea. and i told him. i should have taken tourism so that i can get to go to korea. and he told me... darling i'll just send you to korea. no need to enroll in that program. anyway that tour will be my expense and it is just the same. :)) i know right LAME. :))

PDL - Day 10

Romans 6:13 "Surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes" DAY 10 - The Heart of Worship And yes, this chapter has some connections to the famous song, "Heart of Worship" As I am down in chapter 10, I've noticed that the first sentence pretty much gives you the summary of the whole chapter. The first sentence for today is "The heart of worship is surrender" Now our generation teaches us to NEVER SURRENDER. we are always thought to fight back, to never give up. and that is the way to go they'll tell you. BUT The heart of worship is SURRENDER. He wants us to surrender EVERYTHING to Him. The book says that the 3 barriers that block our total surrender is fear, pride and confusion. can you see anything good from those 3? Fear has something to do with trusting God. Pride is with us not being able to admit that we can't do everything that it's NOT ALL BOUT US. Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone. If...

PDL - Day 9

Psalm 147:11 "The Lord is pleased with those who worship and trust his love." DAY 9 - What Makes God Smile The smile of God is the goal of your life. Since it is our first purpose, we must know how to do that. Pastor Warren used Noah as a clear example. We all know Noah. He is the man who made the great ark. To view it more clearly everybody in the world died, except for Noah and his family. He is extra special. He made God smile! God smiles when we: love him supremely trust him completely obey him wholeheartedly praise and thank him continually use our abilities. What God looks at is the attitude of our hearts. If pleasing him our deepest desire.God is looking for people like Noah in the 21st century--- people willing to live for the pleasure of God. I clearly know that the Lord's plan is always the best. I know clearly that everything happens for His greater purpose yet i admit that i fail to give him my complete trust every time. Sometimes, I worry for what...

PDL - Day 8

Psalm 149:4 "The Lord takes pleasure in his people." DAY 8 - Planned for God's Pleasure Bringing enjoyment to God, living for his pleasure, is the first purpose of your life. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight. When you finally realize this truth, you will never again have a problem with feeling insignificant. Bringing pleasure to God is called 'worship' Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship. Worship is a lifestyle. It is far more than music. EVERY part of a church service is an act of worship. It also has nothing to do with a particular style, volume, or speed of a song. Worship is not for your benefit. We worship for God's benefit. God's heart is not touched by tradition in worship, but by passion and commitment. Worship is not a part of your life. IT IS YOUR LIFE. This is the secret to a lifestyle of worship -- doing everything as if you were doing it for Jesus. Falling in love with Jesus--- ...

PDL - Day 7

Romans 11:36 "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." DAY 7 - The reason for Everything The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God. What is the glory of God? It is who God is. None of us have given God the full glory he deserves from our lives. This is the worst sin and the biggest mistake we can make. On the other hand, living for God's glory is the greatest achievement we can accomplish with our lives. And the question now is How can I bring glory to God? We bring God glory by: worship loving other believers becoming like Christ serving others with our gifts telling others about Him This Chapter tells me everything there is in this book. That I am made for God's glory. That is my purpose. I believe that is yours too. I remembered what Pastor Warren tweeted one time he said, " Today common sense is so uncommon people think it is genius. " We miss the point of our exis...

PDL - Day 6

2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." DAY 6 - Life is a Temporary Assignment Life is extremely brief and Earth is just a temporary residence so don't get too attached. This is not our final destination. We are just passing through. We are not citizens of this world but rather we are citizens of heaven. Our time here on earth is not the complete story of our life. This chapter gave me a lot to think about. It's just sad that I have lived my all my life with the wrong perspective. I haven't viewed life on earth this way before. And sadly that's how this generation is being raised. Everything around us is telling us to acquire more, to be more, to have more. Our generation is so self-centered that we miss the fact that this life is not all there is! There is something MORE than is waiting for us. HEAVEN. We are so taken away by the need of having all t...

day 95

It's been a month since i last updated my bible in one year project. but that doesn't mean i have stopped reading the bible. The project is still on going and up to this day, i have not yet missed a day without reading the bible. though i must admit that there are days that are really hard that i have to push myself so hard to read. but thankfully, i have not yet slept at night without me, reading the bible. The reason why i haven't updated is because my laptop broke down on me again. and this time it's not fixing itself. Ironically that happened before finals. Another reason is that i have been busy with school. Plus. I just really didn't have the time and the words to update. Since the  last post , which is a month ago, i have been through a lot in the bible. I have finished reading many books already. I was able to finish the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Mark. As I am writing i have come a long way, since the last time i updated. To...

PDL - Day 5

Luke 16:10a "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." DAY 5 - Seeing Life from God's View "The way you see your life shapes your life" "How do you see your life?" Isn't it quite fitting to answer that question first before we start living, or knowing for this matter, our purpose in life? Honestly, I never really thought of how i see my life. I know that my life will end someday and all i know is that i really have to enjoy it while it lasts. I know clearly what i want with my life, my dreams, my goals. But then again going back to day one, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. Now the bible offers 3 metaphors that teach God's view of Life here on earth: Test Trust Temporary Assignment The first two was discussed in this chapter. Life on earth is a Test. It is a constant series of tests. Character is best developed by tests and ALL of life is a test. Some test may be major changes, delayed promises, impossibl...

PDL - Day 4

1 John 2:17 "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever" DAY 4 - Made to Last Forever Now this chapter tells me that life is not all there is. That my life here in earth is nothing compared to what God has for me... ETERNITY. That my relationship to God here on earth will determine my relationship with him in eternity. As for living with a purpose, I must completely set my eyes on the price. Everything I do will be reflected on my eternity. many people do anything they want here on earth because they think that they'll be dead anyway. They will be dead alright, but that wont mean anything because death is not the end of everybody. It's just the transition into eternity. And wouldn't it be painful to have all the consequences of the short lived actions you have done on earth be experienced in eternity? And since I was made to last forever I should stop doing and wanting things that are tempo...


can i just stay? for once i am happy where i am. For once i knew that where i am is where i need to be. why am i constantly on the move? constantly moving from where i am. from the people i love. \though i have faced the same problems years ago. its harder to go today. since i have everything to lose. my dreams. the people i value. everything.

PDL - Day 3

Isaiah 26:3 "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you" DAY 3 - What Drives your Life? As one of my favorite quotes say "A sense of purpose is the best driving force to live. If you have a reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit" Since this 40 day journey is finding my purpose in life, isn't it but necessary to find my driving force? I never really thought of my what drives my life until today. Maybe sometimes I know the answer but everything I got is temporary. I never had a permanent motivation in life. Pastor Warren had discussed some common motivations that drives people's lives. According to him many people are driven by: guilt resentment and anger fear materialism need for approval To those common motivations I am guilty with the last one. I am driven by the need for approval. but just like as he said, these purpose leads to the same dead end: unused potential, unnecessary str...

PDL - Day 2

Isaiah 44:2 "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." DAY 2 - You are not an accident this chapter hits me. As the title it selfs says. "YOU are not an accident" It's good that this was discussed in the book. Since this is the most common excuse we have for not finding our life's purpose. We think that we are not intended to be here. That you were a mistake from the very beginning. BUT NOT TO GOD. You may be unplanned by your parents but NOT TO GOD. As Isaiah 44:2 tells us. We were in God's care even before we are born. and the poem by Russell Kelfer sums it up: You are who you are for a reason. You're a part of an intricate plan. You're a precious and perfect unique design, Called God's special woman or man. You look like you look for a reason. Our God made no mistake. He knit you together within the womb, You're just what he wanted to make. The parents you had were the ones he chose, And no matter...

the things that happened :)

FINALLY. found some decent keyboard that i can type comfortably :) FINALLY i am here in DOHA. FINALLY a blog entry. there has been a lot of events lately that will forever be remembered. and i want to write about it. :)  let me just start it with the end. of our 40 days. it is a 6-week session. all about LOVE :) that 6 (technically 5) weeks that i have spent with my girls learning everything there is in the love our God has for us is just SO AMAZING. i am so blessed to have them. there are no exact words to explain how i feel. Thank you for that experience that was totally memorable :) NEXT a few hours after the ending of our last session. we, dane, chue, kim, janelle, didi, vyka, went to have fun! Now this moment is totally priceless. i wouldn't exchange it for anything else. While on the car and didi driving i finally felt that i was a college student. Road tripping with my friends is totally amazing. We went out-of-town! DI BA GIRLS? :)) hahaha we technically went out of NC...

Happy Birthday! :)

to my ever present bestfriend Timothy John Ortega :) Happy Birthday! I'm sorry i won't be there to celebrate it with you. I know we've talked about this day once already. but guess what. i'm not totally happy. i can't be happy knowing that i won't be there, to personally greet you at least . but nevertheless Happy Birthday bestfriend! :) I pray that the plans of the Lord be fulfilled in your life. May He be continually glorified in everything that you do. I'm actually being so overwhelmed I can't find the words i wanted to say to you. Anyway this won't be the last words I have to say to you, so I think i'll just leave this like this :) and uh. don't forget to thank your mom for me. Tell her, thanks for giving birth to you and for raising you up just the way you are today :) or you could just skip that because i am too shy if she brings it up later. :P anyway just know that I am truly thankful :) Thank you for EVERYTHING :) uhmm.. BT...

PDL - Day 1

Now there's a 100-item list on my planner which gives me goals to achieve and experiences to try for the whole year. and one of them is "Discover your life's purpose" I mean how can i discover my life's purpose right? Then i thought of this book. that was so popular back then. BUT back then I was so small. SO I decided to read it now! The book is no other than... Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life"  Now, I know this book has changed millions of lives worldwide. And I say I am ready for my life to be changed! Join me as I discover my life's purpose for the next 40 days :) and oh BTW. My sister and I decided that we will be partners in this quest for our life's purpose :) DAY 1 - It all starts with God  The verse to remember is Colossians 1:16 "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him."  The first words of this chapter is "It's not about you"  If you will think about it thoroughly, the r...

THE PLAN for 2011 --- update!

So It's already April. Time flies so fast. and I believe it will fly by faster now that I am here in Doha! :) YUP FINALLY. I am here again together with my family :) So for an update.. 1st. ENOUGH HUNCHBACK-YEYE. i am going to make sure my back is ALWAYS straight. i'll need this for the future. :) --- As i evaluate myself, I can say that there was no progress AT ALL. I still make an effort though to really carry out this plan and all but I just FAIL every time. But no worries I'm still not dropping this one yet. :P   2nd. BE THE DIFFERENCE that you always wanted to be. that the world needs. --- Now for this, I seriously think that i had progress on this one. :) Praise be to God! WINNING! :)) *sorry i just have to say it :P 3rd. LESS OF YOURSELF MORE OF OTHERS. as the movie "TRON" said it.. remove yourself from the equation ;) not EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU. BUT of course TOO MUCH HURTS NOW. ---  I believe I am making progress as well on this one. I am becoming ...