
Showing posts from September, 2008

reaLity is better thaN your dreaMs...

In life, as we face several problems we learn new things. Even if we can't see it very clearly we will just simply realize that we have learned something. As it goes, the problems that don't kill us make us stronger. I have been enduring life's trials for 15 years now. I may be young but I am not an exception to reality. I may not have encountered as many problems and learned as many lessons in life as those mature adults but I have definitely learned something I can use for the rest of my life. Through life's uncertainty, unpredictability and irregularity we end up with the words "what if", "I should have" or "if ever" in short we end up with regrets. In my age I have experienced a lot of regrets, then what more with those mature adults? They might have more regrets than I have today. The greatest regret we could ever have is when we didn't do things that are needed or we wanted to be done. Having regrets is really bad because wi...

sTars aS frieNds..

Friends are the ones who are always there when you need them. Everybody has friends even the poorest person has. Friends are like stars not always seen but actually always there. As there are different kinds of stars there are different kinds of friends. Stars don’t shine equally, some shine more and some less than the others but the good thing is they still shine. In this long journey we have we will learn a lot of different things; we will meet a lot of people. Some of those many people will be our friends. We get to meet different kinds of friends. Some will be like the shiniest star all of us have ever seen. They will have to be the real good friends we will ever have. They will help us in everything life is going to throw at us. Then, there will be these not so shiny stars; they will have to be your real good friends but only for a period of time. It is like they have an expiration date you will only have them for a while. Next is the less shiny star. They are the good wea...

sTiLL the saMe oNLy better

It was and still a special and memorable day. I will never forget the exact events that happened during that day. It was October 2006 when i attended a certain retreat in our church, the "encounter God retreat". Many people already did their testimonies about that certain retreat that after it you're life really will change. I know their testimonies are true for i really see their difference. I knew that a month after that our family will transfer here in Doha, i don’t want to have any regrets, and I joined. The retreat lasts for three days and i was down to the last day on the retreat. Still i haven't found or felt the change that they were talking about. The session ended i walked out of the church, wondering what would happen to me now. I never wanted to go out since i really felt different during the retreat. At that point i was feeling scared and lost. I believe it was God who put the song into my mind, the song that our pastor sings every night before we go t...

..everytHing yOu neeD...famiLy..

As humans, we have different needs. Actually several theories has been formed regarding the needs of human beings. As for me, we only need one thing and that is family. A family is a group of usually related people living together living as a unit. It is also a group of people sharing common ancestry. Family is the basic unit of the society. It is composed of a mother, father and a child or sometimes even children. It is also composed of grandparents and other more relatives. From the definition a family should be complete in order to be called one. That is not true. Actually you can be family even if you're not blood related. In a same way you can't be called family even if you're blood related if you don't treat each other like one. Being a family is all about how you treat each other. It doesn't need any requirements to be called one except to love and care for each member. A family gives warmth, support and compassion. They treat each other like best of f...

liVing oF the dEaD....

'Moving on is not about never looking back, it's taking a glance at yesterday and noticing how much you've grown since then.' Theoretically speaking: "Accepting and trying to move on." Sounds easy right? But, application of that theory simply means. "Die first and live again siNce i'M reaLLy dyiNg on my last blOg.. i may nOt be physicalLy dyiNg buT trusT me i thinK the feeLing is jusT the saMe.. sO i tHink you kNOw where my bLog is goinG to.. and i need nOt explain it anymOre.. hahaha buT i can'T heLp iT.. fOr tHOse peoPle hu gOt iT aLreaDy yOu can nOw exiT tHis pagE.. aNd fOr tHose peoPle hU didN't get it yeT coNtinUe reaDing...or if you want yoU caN aLso gO.! hehehe  sO as the quote gOes.. die firsT and liVe again.. that's the onLy waY to move oN.. anD sOo.. i'M nOw reaDy.. siNCe i diEd alreaDy.. i caN nOw liVe again.. *ahMm aCtuaLly that's aLl.. wahahahaha nOnsense.. so nOw yOu're actuaLLy regrettiNg why yOu rea...

if onLy i kNew

i dont knOw why i'm writing a bLog right nOw.. i didn't even think that i can write a blog.. actually i dont think i can do anything at this point of time.. all i want to do is to disappeaR and wisHed i haD never exisTed.. you mighT saY that my sOrrOw is tO exaGerated buT that is reaLLy trUe.. the reasoN behind iT.. broKen hearT.. faiLed expectatiOns, regreTs.. aNd sO mucH mOre.. brokeN hearT.. weeKs agO.. i decided tO end somethiNg i didn'T think will have a greaT effect on me toDay.. yuP i knOw that this coulD be oNe of my greaTest regreT.. i'M feeLing sO dOwn todaY.. i dOnT tHinK i have tHe strengtH tO coNtinUe.. i woulD never trY tO deNy that he used to be my life and if he ever lefT me i wouLd die.. buT i never thOugHt that he is sTiLL gOing tO be mY liFe aNd todaY i just feeL like dyiNg.. i wisHed i jusT chOse tO beaR aLL tthe pain aNd coNtinUe everytHing witH hiM.. aT firsT reaLLY i waS tHinKing that tHis is nOtHiNg.. becaUse i didn'T feLt the feeliNg i haD w...