


save yourself and just read that one. :P Don't waste your time reading this one :))


still don't have the energy but since i promised myself that i WILL write what happened yesterday today... and GOD knows how I am allergic to broken promises sooooo.... just bear with me as i struggle to write this one :) 

Yesterday is one of the days you would want to repeat over and over again. Only because it was so amazing in countless ways.. :)

So I got up early... YUP! I am waking up early these days :) got ready on time but still managed to arrive at church late. annndd to my surprise... the song was.. STILL. yup my song. exactly also at that moment, pastor bong was making an altar call for people who have special needs or thanksgiving... and so i went there.. :) GOD KNOWS HOW THANKFUL I AM :) and Pastor Gil prayed for me... I don't know if he really knows or he's just convicted by the Holy Spirit though that's more likely... He prayed EXACTLY what I stood there for... he thanked the Lord for my safe travel and he prayed for my future plans... it was so detailed that it was giving me the chills xD


I have always believed that I AM the LORD'S FAVORITE :) hahaha i know God loves us all the same but i would like to believe that He loves me with just a little more :P hahaha wondering why? or how so? finish reading and you might get a hint :P BUT HEY GOD LOVES YOU just as he loves me :)


So the message is about Gideon and how he conquered his enemies... we were asked to discuss our fears, how did we overcome those fears and one victory that we would like to experience this week... but I had no one YET to discuss those questions with soooo... FAST FORWARD! to us, zyrene, joyce and I, going to my home church.. IRM MALANDAY :) yay! it was my first time bringing friends over :) then to my surprise my high school adviser... Ma'am Lyn Mejia was there! YAY! :) ma'am lyn was the one who prayed for me back then after my water baptism... she discerned that I will be a doctor.. UH OH this is going to be longer as I planned it to be... JUST KEEP READING AND  I SWEAR THIS WILL MAKE SENSE... fast a forward a little bit to Kuya Aldrich giving us a ride :) It was nice seeing kuya al again after a long time.. :) and fast forward a little bit to our FUN LUNCH, still with zy and joyce. Pan de Amerikana is in a tolerable walking distance from our house but it was my first time there yesterday :)) ANYWAY.. this post is going longer and more boring by the minute so....

let me just end up here for today...

and tomorrow I promise a SENSIBLE POST. :)


  1. haha really funny :P i didn't really understand most of it AND YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME ABOUT IT when you were in church HMP :P but the important thing is, you're happy and that God is keeping you that way :)

    and it's actually ok to be comic if you ask me... it just doesn't make sense to me ahahha


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