THE PLAN for 2012 :P

HAPPY chinese NEW YEAR :)) lol. though i'm TAN and all, we don't really celebrate chinese new year. only the tikoy part :)) but this year... I WILL :) only because i am confused with the last new year's :))

And like last year, i promise not to make resolutions just end of the year conclusions, as inspired by Philip Wang... soooo... THIS IS A PLAN. not a resolution :))


FIRST! As i promised myself, Tita Liz, Kim and Dane.... I WILL. EAT VEGETABLEs. from now on. I will. I really will. WHATEVER vegetable. i swear. i really will. GGGAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH\

SECOND! BE HEALTHY. the complete package. sleeping at the right time, eating the right food at the right time, not eating the wrong food :)) LOL what do i mean by right and wrong food right? :)) ALSO this would have to include... Proper posture, proper weight. THE COMPLETE PACKAGE.

THIRD! LIVE IT UP. do the things i really want to do. say the things i really want to say. LIVE like it were my last.. LOVE like i have never been hurt.. LAUGH as if it nobody's looking  :)) TRUST and BELIEVE that FOREVER STILL exist.  SING, DANCE, CRY, DO WHATEVER. whenever, wherever. enjoy, savor the moments. while it lasts.

FOURTH! NEVER let a day pass by without having your devotion. God wants to talk to you yeye, he really does.

FIFTH! do the things i never did but always wanted to... like you know the leftovers from the 2011 plan. jk. no really, this year is not going to be about what other people might think if i did that but it would be... JUST DO IT. Chelsea Kane said... "If you do it you'll regret it. If you don't do it you'll regret it. Either way you're going to regret it so you might as well just do it." and Anonymous said.. "It's better to regret something you did than to regret something you didn't do" :)

SIXTH! make life easy. KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES. as ma'am PD would always tell us.. "My character is already built. If i have a conflict at work and at home.. it is should not be a problem anymore... I know my priorities"

SEVENTH! YOU NEED HELP. stop building walls. stop pushing people away. stop acting strong all the time. IT'S OK TO BE WEAK sometimes. IT'S OK to let people in. IT'S OK to have people help you. that's why they are there in the first place.

EIGHT! REALLY live up to your PROMISE RING. be a good christian. a good example. all for God's glory :)

NINTH! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL YEYE. YOU ARE. really. you have to believe that you are..  self confidence. self-esteem. have one of those this year ok?

I hereby solemnly swear to really do everything that is above... SO HELP ME GOD :)


  1. this is a great list mariel :) and some of them are eye-openers to me... haha. i didn't know some of these were YOU :D but again, it's a great list :) i really hope you can do it because after these become a habit, you will far surpass who you are right now :) GOOD JOB!


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