which brings me here...

SORRY. just can't contain it any longer...

a RANT on how Filipinos could think that Leukemia is such an easy disease that's why we often here it's their disease.

Just posted a video about Janet... a girl who has ALL (acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)... My heart goes out to her... Seeing how my dad suffered from cancer, i think i have an idea on what she is going through right now... which brings me to my point...


i should know... STUDYING about it is pretty complicated already (LOL) how much more experiencing it.... IT IS NOT SOMETHING YOU HAVE when you're getting a LOT of bruises... it is NOT SOMETHING YOU HAVE when you are looking pale... IT IS NOT SOMETHING YOU HAVE when you have nosebleeds or any other bleeding for that matter. THOUGH YES the things that i have mention are symptoms.. BUT IT IS NOT JUST LIKE THAT. It's more complicated than that...

Leukemia is not something you say you have to a person just so they could talk to you MORE, just so they could be with you more... IT IS NOT JUST SOMETHING YOU MAKE UP for any reason you might have... Leukemia is a VERY TERRIBLE DISEASE.. it's not a joke... though i understand why Filipinos use leukemia for whatever reason they may have... we often here it in our local dramas... I BLAME PHILIPPINE TELEVISION.

SO MAY THIS RAISE AWARENESS.... i'm not saying it's not possible to have leukemia, it very is... If you think you have one, have yourself checked AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. i'm just saying stop using it as a regular excuse... stop saying you have leukemia when you don't.... people who have the disease is BEGGING not to have it...

and yes this goes on to ALL THE DISEASE you could ever make up for whatever reason you may have..

OUT. PEACE! and pray for janet :)


  1. whoah??? ho-humm... what happened? this really agitated you huh? actually, any disease for that matter isn't a joke to begin with coz you really don't know which leads to what. and not everyone who says they're doing fine are actually doing fine...it's just that they don't want people to know they're suffering. not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too...

    my mom has lupus by the way and my awareness of a lot of other terminal cases came about because of it...

  2. aaahhh my amnesia girl i think? anyways :P


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