here i am swallowing whatever it is that needed to be swallowed and saying what's really up. why on a blog post? just because! idreallykwhy. and it took me a lot of courage just to make sure you're going to be able to read this so... i expect something in return. xD like ahmm a reply? THANK YOU! ;) and mke it easier please. xD ang hirap lang kasi nito.. idk why i didn't just message you with this and still decided on posting this here but eto na eh so xD :)) why can't you just say what you mean? or is that what you mean.... i thought we got past this already.. yet here we are again. not saying the things that are needed to be said or at least the things we wanted to say. xD I'd be lying if i am to say I am COMPLETELY over it. because after years, you are still one of the persons that comes into mind whenever i hear the word LOVE. I know that's not fair because after all.. haha but seriously.. i compare every guy who comes along to you... and somehow i am still...
mY 4th yr project in values.. as i remember it.. our teacher asked us to choose which philosophy is best applied in our lives.. and this is how i did it! :)) --- HAHAHA ANG HABA PALA XD --- I, my self, prefer to be more of a realist. Realism is seeing things as what they truly are. It is not wrong to dream and to create a vision of what you want to be or how things you want to be in the future but being able to see the true value of a certain object is, to what I believe, is a blessing. I once read in a book, though it is only in the writer’s opinion, it says that when you die you will not actually go to this “paradise” but instead God will give you the chance for Him to explain your life and that will be the greatest gift you can ever receive. I believe in that. That being able to see the real meaning why you have met this certain someone, experienced this certain situation and felt those certain feelings will be the best reward one can ever receive. Through realism, we can achieve th...
HAHA whaT mariel means by urban dictionary XD SUPER LOL A girl that is very spontaneous that always has some amazing advise to give. She'll always be there even if she has something better to do. Basically the best person you can meet in life. =] also, very talented. "Dangggggg that Mariel girl has got it going on!!!" Not, as said by other people, a slut, but in fact a highly intelligent, sarcastic, virgin. They frequently sigh at the stupidity that they are surrounded with Jazz: I dont dress slutty, i get all A's, AND my IQ is 120 Ho: Psshaw! Your SUCH a Mariel. Im going to go have sex with 10 diffrent guys then fail all my tests and repeat the grade! A dumbass who has no idea what is going on around her (or him but that would be weird) Mariel thought there was fifty-one states yesterday, so i slapped her and she shut up.
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