Saturday night

There’s always something different about Saturday nights for me. I don’t know why. especially now that I am on my semestral break and everyday feels like a Saturday, this night remains DIFFERENT.

Today is the day that MYuste is scheduled to crash because of the intense traffic it would get from thomasians wanting to see their grades. * I didn’t want to just say that today is grade giving day* HAHA


well they are the LOWEST I got so far. and though its hard to be thankful about it.. I AM. THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE. This sem the Lord just taught me that I can’t do things on my own. I ALWAYS NEED HIM. And he taught me that WHATEVER happens he’ll be with me. Though of course, the Lord is just. I reap what I sow and here are the fruits of my actions. I know ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD to those who love him and I believe that this low grades that I have, that might hinder me from achieving my future endeavors, is just a way of teaching me a lesson I would never forget and in turn makes me a BETTER person. I’ve been reading Rissa Singson-Kawpeng for a while and I quote,

I’m glad that God can write straight on crooked lines. He has this unbelievable knack of taking seemingly negative circumstances and turning them into blessings. In spite of the twisted and tangled mess we’re in, He manages to work things out according to His original plan.

THANK YOU LORD for letting pass this sem. I pray that you would help me make up for my low grades next sem. :)

All glory belong to HIM and HIM ALONE :)

Genesis 18:14

Is anything too marvelous for the Lord to do?


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