Today :)

So today, I spent the WHOLE DAY with my bestest friends :)
Photo by: Hannah Shayne
From left: Me, Virnalyn, Hannah, Mikki
The MEGA Mall had a sale today, and we decided to shop together! YAY!
Much as i would LOVE to tell you how our shopping day went down and what we got after, i'm not that kind of girl. and this is not just the right blog, if you're looking for those.
anyway what i really wanted to tell is how i found my new meant to be :) so far he's MTB #3 :))

So i've had this thing with my eye for a while. I looked out for my symptoms in the net and the most matched disease is allergic conjunctivitis. The treatment for which is antihistamines. and indeed when i took that it relieved me of my eye problem for about 24 hours. So why am i telling you this? I promise it will all tie down eventually. :)

Last night, i wasn't able to take my meds. And as a result, when we were shopping my eyes are starting to get itchy and all. So i decided to just buy the anitihistamines and maybe it'll relieve me of my symptoms. The store for me, was watsons. Apparently so are my girls. They shop lipsticks at watsons. HAHAHA just had to really put on my laugh there. anyway back to my story. while i was waiting at the pharmacy.. i didn't realize that it was a number system. silly me right. i was just standing there assuming there is a line and i'm in front of it. and here comes... MTB #3 he's wearing a white coat. i assumed he's a pharmacist. though he does look like one and i assumed he's newly grad. he looks young! i told my friends, i have a crush on him. one of my friends said she has a crush on him too! so he's really good looking right? it's not just me this time :)) i always thought i have a weird taste. feels like i'm normal after all. And of course we moved on to another store. BUT i just can't seem to get over this guy so i asked one of the girls to look at his name plate for his name. AFTER a funny story, she wasn't able to. so off we go. and then she told me that the cashier's name would be on my receipt. BUT MTB #3 is not the cashier! anyway. i was determined to search for MTB #3 even if it takes looking at the cashier's friend's list one by one.

FAST FORWARD to me already home. I remembered MTB #3 and so i searched for the cashier's name on fb. Later, i realized that the whole name of the cashier is not on the receipt. there's another name there though under the SALESMAN. When i can't seem to find the cashier, i looked for the salesman. and there he was. my meant to be. with just one try. i found him. :)

i know reading this might be a waste of your time but who knows this could be a start of something else :P


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