
had this story for a while now. Actually, It is not the perfect time for me to sit down like this on my laptop because I still have comprehensive exams tomorrow. Nevertheless, I couldn’t contain it any longer.

If you know me well, you would know that I don’t exactly know how to cross the street. I know it’s kind of hard to believe knowing that I don’t have a private transportation, and of course crossing the streets is inevitable, I should have learned it by now. BUT it’s true. I don’t exactly know how.

AS A MATTER OF FACT, whenever I cross the street, even though it’s the same streets everyday, I can always imagine myself being hit by a car. I don’t know if I’m just too bored or too happy with my life that whenever I cross the street I imagine myself dying from it. I would always always always see myself, like how you would see it in the movies. I thought to myself, if I’m going to die because I’m not smart enough to properly cross the street better have it in style right? so somehow, I have already practiced it in my mind. I would do it like the movies… I will pause at the street and look at the car that will hit me and scream “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH” then BOOG! then the passers by would form a circle around me whispering “nako nasagasaan siya”  and maybe someone will take me to the hospital and it goes on.

THAT STORY goes on my mind EVERYTIME I cross the street. Suppose, going to school, I would have to cross 5 streets, including main roads and all that. Suppose, I go to school 20 times a month so that’s how many? I should have had it perfect by now right? BUT…

Last sunday, as I was on my way home, riding in a tricycle with a somewhat aggressive driver, I wasn’t able to scream. DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSION I DIDN’T GET HIT.  It was dark, it just stopped raining. So the roads are wet and slippery. As the driver had to turn left he almost hit a 4x4 pickup, which is compared to the tricycle, BIG. thank God he didn’t. And even if he did, I wouldn’t be hurt so I didn’t really care but in a matter of 2 seconds a white car on our right, my side, came rushing and I could almost feel the car, so imagine just how close it was. Though it didn’t hit me, I could have screamed my “AAAAAHHHHHHHH” but instead all I ever got to say when I saw the car rushing was *gasp*

I guess, things are like that. If you think you already know what will happen, how you would react to a certain situation and all that, YOU DON’T.  YOU WON’T. and NEVER WILL find out what will happen, how you would react and all that UNLESS you ARE THERE. so don’t be afraid that you’ll make the same mistakes as everyone else who walked down that road. You’ll never know, maybe it’s not AAAAAHHHHHHH after all

while typing, I thought of this song. I don’t exactly know why but if you see the reason why, yes, yes that will be the reason :P
Tomorrow, i’ll start writing again. I have MANY MANY MANY stories to tell, but let me just get back to my books for tonight  GOD BLESS!


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