It's been a while since i blogged ;) actually i have a couple of unpublished blogs. It's because i don't know how to end them just yet! or i don't know how to actually start it? well anyway. Maybe This will also remain unfinished. But i swear i'll post this one.

Actually I know the reason why I can't publish my blogs. It's because I'm afraid that I'm doing or saying the wrong things and people might read it and judge me again. weird much? yeah. i've been through a lot. This must be what celebrities feel XD HAHAHAHA anyway back to reality.

To break all the silence in my blog and to finally publish some of them, i would just like to say to myself that... THIS IS YOUR BLOG! people don't care to whatever you say! well actually they might but YOU WON'T! except of course if it came from someone you really love right?

I just want to say that if people will have to say something about my blogs then, I'll let them! Anyway, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE :P

As one of my favorite quotes go, "Never explain yourself to anybody. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it anyway" :P


peace, LOVE, yeye :)


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