.mY siDe.

This post is made like half a century ago. OK not that long ago. Like months ago? i'm not sure. Anyway. LATE PUBLISH.


i always say ' tanggap ko sa society ang mga bading pero ang mga tibo nDe '  nO offense but thaT is my opinion... i dont know buT i just doNt find it OK to see lesbians.. speciaLLy wiTh girlfrienDs.!!! but i'm ok seeing gays.. being witH them and everything.. but when it comes to lesbos.. idk.. but i have a lesbian friend and i'm ok with her :D BUT yeah.. i just dont find it ok as in general... I am ok with gays.! i loVe having gay friends.. haha but of course i dont like gays having an actuaL affair with guys too.. but overall i'm ok with them! haha weird? discrimination? wrong? sexist much? well here's my reason...

MEN - are naturally confused :)) that's why it's ok if they become like that since.. I believe they are born CONFUSED :D

WOMEN - aRe WOMEN noT MEN.!!! they are not to be confused over these issues since we have this special instinct.. RIGHT? WOMEN have this weird gift to distinguish what's right... SO..... there

WOMEN - onLy have XX chromosomes... see.! we are PURE :))

MEN- has XY chromosomes... hahaha they have a part women in themselves that's why they have a valid reason for being feminine at times.. hahahaha

OKKKK... well that is my side.. i am NOT IMPLYING or EVEN TRYING to convince, persuade, or suggest for you to believe me... i am just stating my side.. :D and yeaH.. i am noT encouraging MEN to be gays as well... my belief doesn't support that idea.. but of course i am NOT saying i won't accept anyone in the third gender.. i'm open to change :D anyone is welcome to try and change my point of view :D

OH NO was i just explaining myself?? and the weirdest thing is that i'm defending my view as if millions of people will be able to read this.. wahaha ANYWAY this is pure opinion and nothing else PERIOD :D

 -hindi lahat ng akala mong tama ay tama at hindi lahat ng hindi mali ay tama pa rin....- Vilma Santos... :))


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